Saturday, June 11, 2022

Kicking off Summer Break

I think I was focused on making it up to Johnnie today for being so tough on him last night, albeit it was a brief lapse. It's just that there was absolutely no need for it and no excuse for me getting into that state. I gave in to the dark side LOL. And I'm determined to scrub that clean. I had already thought about taking Johnnie to the movies today, the new Jurassic World Dominion having opened yesterday. Even though Lisa scheduled Johnnie for a cleaning at 11 AM and then I had an acupuncture appointment scheduled at 4:30, there is still that time slot in between where we could go to the movies. But first things first was breakfast. And Saturday routine also meant getting my car washed. It is a Lisa work Saturday after all. And so I'm at her house at 7:45, Johnnie was already dressed and of course I had already showered him last night so he was good to go. We dropped off Claire at the apartment, and off we went to start the day. Car wash done? Check. Off to Elysee for breakfast. I almost forgot that yesterday's was UCLA's commencement and the village was a lot busier than normal this morning. We went in anyway and got our usual all done. And then afterwards we made the stop at Target, mainly to get Johnnie's art supplies but we ended up getting him a cheao lego toy. Something for him to do when I drop him off at Lisa's later. But also I was able to pick up a chin-up bar, which is now going to be the resistance exercise of choice since I am determined to get myself back up to 10 chin-ups without stopping/resting as soon as possible. So eager was I to use that I spent the rest of the morning putting it together and putting it up on the doorway and testing it and when I looked up it was already time to drop Johnnie off at Lisa's office for his cleaning. I took the time and went back home to take Claire out for a walk, knowing that we were going to be mostly gone for the afternoon. When I got back to Lisa's office 40 minutes later, Johnnie was already done and playing with another Lego set waiting for me. Off we went to Century City mall for lunch and movie. Johnnie got his Panda Express and I got my Big Fish Little Fish poke lunch. Our movie started at 1 PM and Johnnie picked our seats on the very first row. I didn't know about that. I hate being that close. We will see how Johnnie does. Of course we had to get a bucket of popcorn didn't we. Almost negated the healthy lunch I just had but I didn't care really. By 1 PM we were settle in our seats and of course we had to go through the sheer volume of previews for the next 20+ minutes. It kicked in my impatience response yet again. But at least I wasn't lashing out at anyone. Or maybe I hadn't fully released yesterday's episode. Finally the movie got started and I must say this Jurassic World version was cool in that it brought in elements from the original Jurassic Park movie including the original actors, and the Jurassic World reboot, with Claire and Owen. Not lost on me was that Johnnie named the dog after this same Claire character LOL. As far as how he did watching from the very first row, he started complaining after 10 minutes but I think he settled in and settled down once the exciting scenes got going. And so we managed to sit through the entire 2+ hours of the movie. And he enjoyed it I think. I know I did. Hey merely getting to watch a movie was a nice way to start his summer break I thought. We did get done later than I thought. It was already 3:45 and I still had to pick up Claire and drop them off at Lisa's before I headed off to my acupuncture appointment. It was tight, but I managed to make it to the appointment minutes before it started. This was supposed to be a follow-up appointment from last week. I saw a different practitioner but the session was the same. It's like I don't think they think anything is wrong with me LOL. And when I see other patients in the waiting room I can see I am different. Like I am actually relatively healthy. But I just did the session and just relaxed for 20 minutes or so with needles on my feet and my abdomen and my hands and I felt really good afterwards.  And then I went across the street to Rainbow Acres Health Food Store and picked up some corn silk tea, which is supposed to help with bladder issues. I felt like I could simply chill at home the rest of the evening. But not quite yet. I'm supposed to pick up Johnnie at Lisa's office and look after him until she is done with work. Would it be like last night when she stayed in her office until 9:30 PM? You can never tell with her. Tonight I got an out. Apparently Joy and family from Maui are already here in SoCal and were having a barbecue in Downey at Kalani's sister's house. And invited Lisa and Johnnie. Well of course they are going. I'm not going to lie I wished I was invited too, but it's also ok that I wasn't because I felt like chilling alone tonight. Joy and Fam can never do anything wrong in my eyes the way they put us up all those years. I simply wished them a great evening and mentally hugged them and saw in my mind Johnnie having fun with with Kavena and Makahinu. That was plenty good. Turned out to be a pretty good day for Johnnie didn't it? I love you Dad I heard him say as he hugged me goodbye. That was plenty good. I had a good day too.

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