Sunday, June 26, 2022

Mojo Not There Today

Sunday Golf is at Roosevelt this morning I was excited to have another go at trying these energetic technique in order to get the outcomes that I want. Practice practice practice and more practice. Obviously, I wanted to have a good game today. That meant shooting at least 2 pars, but I never said that actually. Instead I practiced each shot I would have taken. Focused on the ball strike and hitting it where I want instead of letting the shot take over. That's when I whiff is when I do that. And so what happened was that I was focusing more on the shot rather than the hole and getting in my own head each time. I KNOW full well I hit my best shots when I am aligned and not thinking about it and simply letting the shot itself take over. I do in-a-row whiffs when I don't gather myself and reset. And the shot becomes a reaction.  Case in point today. First hole, we get paired up with a 3-some earlier than our designated tee time. The starter was trying to put people together as quickly as possible. Hence we were sort of rushing up to the hole. But maybe that gave me less time to think about stuff. And so my first shot was actually decent. Off to the right a bit but it got down the fairway just fine with a line to the hole. it was the 2nd shot that I screwed up on. After that it was ok and I managed to nearly save the hole with a bogey putt that rimmed out. That would be the theme for the day. 2nd Hole, I hit a nice tee shot and although I whiffed the 2nd shot again, I managed to get to the green in 2. And barely missed another bogey putt that lipped the hole. Again.3rd hole, this time I yanked my tee shot way left, but recovered the 2nd shot nearly on the green. And played it ok from there. 4th hole, a nice tee shot but again hit down on the 2nd shot. Still got on the green on the next shot and again missed the bogey putt. See the pattern? 5th hole I just couldn't lift off the tee and took 5 shots to even get to the green. But I again nearly made the putt. Nearly doesn't count I remind myself. Next hole I lost the ball off the tee but was ok after that. Same with the next hole. Yanked left off the tee. By this time it was clear either my rhythm was not there today. I was rushing my tee shots. I did at least had a par putt on the last hole. Which I barely missed again. Did I play well today? Not at all. But I had some pretty good shots. Just that I couldn't put a couple of good shots together. Because I focused on the shot more so than the hole. Sigh. Until next time. 
At least we got done by 11:20 today. It didn't save me from traffic on the 10 Freeway because of an accident so I still didn't make it home until almost noon. I figured I'd eat at home today because I had all this food from grocery shopping. Made myself shrimp pho with Miracle Noodles. Pretty good too. I actually had some decent sleep last night so I wasn't too tired. I figured I'd just tank it the rest of the day and do a duplicate of last Sunday when I was able to catch up on a lot of internal learning work. Once and for all I wanted to do the Enlightened States class that I paid for and still haven't finished. I reminded myself that I paid for other stuff too, like those energetically charged audios on clearing negative energy. And of course a last word video on dealing with narcissists so I am better prepared to not let emotions and my ego get the better of me. After all, narcissist or not, all that stuff with Lisa is just ME PUSHED OUT right? It means I let my guard down yet again. So more work to do. I also re-did the video sub I made about an a-for-mation on creating $3MILLION. Might as well work on my financial independence and my retirement plan too right? I did manage to make it off the couch before 5 PM to scooter on over to Ralphs and pick up a few more things. Johnnie is out of ice cream after all. Might as well keep it stocked up. And I got to keep enjoying the warm outdoors to boot. I truly did a duplicate of last Sunday night, even down to making barramundi for dinner and the cucumber tomato salad. I mean it was really really good. And for $5 you can't beat that with getting food out. Hey I gotta find a way to feel good about today after that bad golf day this morning right? Like last Sunday I also watched some TV. An episode of the Old Man. Watched the Dodgers pull out a win after being one strike away from being shut out. Against Kenley Jansen no less. By the time I wrapped up on finishing my sub project it was midnight. Oh well. I thought about the past week and at least the highlight was that I got Johnnie through Westwood STAR camp and everything was fine there. Work did not turn out to be quiet but it was handled... until the end of the week. We now turn the page on move on to next week.

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