Thursday, June 16, 2022

A Hard Working Thursday

It used to be that Thursday was my chill day, My breathe out day especially the day after Tech Council Meeting. So how did I find myself mired in 4 meetings today that took up 5 hours of the day!? it just ended up working out that way is all. Used to be I would just spend today at the HIT Roundtable, which went on today too. But I never used to have back-to-back team meetings the way I did this morning. And I never used to have that damn HIMP check-in meetings every single week. When is that damn thing going to be over already? Yes yes, that would be the impatience tug from my ego working. Which means I need some introspective time. Alone time really. Alas, none to be had today since Johnnie is with me all day. I thought Lisa was going to have chill day today and pick him up early. Even Johnnie remembers his mom saying so. And he was prepped and ready to go after breakfast. But I knew something would be different already when she called last night. And I didn't really want to know what's what. I simply prepared myself for the inevitable Lisa change of plans. And I prepared Johnnie for same. At least we could go play baseball to continue the daily sports regimen that I told him was very important. At least I needed to give him some physical activity every single day, which I had been pretty good at all week long actually. And so you see the pic I posted in our barbecue area of Johnnie swatting all the balls I pitched at him. I will say he is now hitting the ball harder and farther than he ever has. And that he does seem to have pretty good hand-eye coordination. With a little coaching this kid can be an elite athlete one day. We had Claire loose out there too watching us though that is what she chose to do, simply sit there and watch even while Johnnie was swatting balls over her head LOL. After baseball I got him some udon and fried chicken from Ralphs, made me a cauliflower crust pizza with pineapple and set us both up for lunch WHILE doing the HIT Roundtable Meeting... 
Used to be I'd walk over to CCALAC then chill at the mall and lollygag back around, oh 3 PM or so, just in time for me to go home LOL. Even though not that many people showed up at the meeting, it did go the entire 2 hours. And my own yellow light flashed when I got into a bit of a verbal push-back with Mendy Kaye who kept asking all these questions. I remember I would do that with San Kim, with the tone of... what in the fuck are you talking about? Anyway I knew it was simply my ego again trying to feel important. But I didn't stop it either. Anyway meeting done by 2 PM and then I started Johnnie with his afternoon routine from the last couple of days since it was clear Lisa hadn't called yet and wouldn't be calling until way later on. I actually had to call her around 4:30 PM to see what was going on. After all, the last time we talked, she was very pleasant and actually talked about having dinner tonight instead. But that was before Joy moved dates on her and Courtney spent the last couple of nights and apparently she had to work today too. Sigh. Not good for her at all. In fact, after we talked I ended up agreeing to keep Johnnie until way way late. So normal Thursday pick-up LOL LOL. Not too bad. I buffered what I thought would be Johnnie's disappointment simply by keeping to our old routine. That would be Panda Express for dinner and then a movie afterwards. He didn't seem to mind. We watched SING again, shared some popcorn and then I drove him back by 9 PM. Lisa was already asleep. Johnnie jumped in bed and off I went back home. I thought that would be it for time with Johnnie until Monday next week. In the meantime, since Penmar was already full for next week, I scrambled paying for Johnnie through the last week of July at least. I don't know what ill do with him next week. Maybe keep him at home again. I watched the Orville and stayed up until really late. Well past midnight. I don't know why really. I just let my mind wander. I think I needed to. That and I gave myself a trim and a haircut. Gotta look good for the Deutsch bday tomorrow after all LOL. I'm all good.

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