Thursday, June 23, 2022

SEVEN Meetings In One Day

When did Thursdays become my busy day? I looked at my schedule yesterday and realized that I was going to be tied up for most of the morning and the fact that I had to tear ass back to the house after dropping Johnnie off at the Westwood STAR camp just to make a 9 AM meeting was pretty much the status quo for today. Still, if I'm looking for an M&M in the middle of a busy day, that would come first thing when Johnnie woke up early and decided he wanted to jump on me in my bed. It's funny that I have one bedroom and Johnnie and I have 2 huge beds in separate rooms. They have 4 bedrooms at Lisa's house and he sleeps mostly on her bed next to her. I do remember it wasn't that long ago that Johnnie slept in my bed too. And moments like this morning was fairly common. That would be me tickling him and him squealing. I will never tire of that sound. I knew after I dropped him off that it would be back-to-back-to-back-to-back meetings until almost noon. Literally I didn't have a break. Town Hall prep, IS Team Meeting, EHR Team Meeting, one-on-one meeting with my boss and that's just the morning. The funny thing was that I actually seemed to be in complete control. And that I knew what I was doing. So much so that I scheduled another meeting in the afternoon after lunch and then of course there's that HIMP meeting in the afternoon that ends at 4 PM, right about the time I'm supposed to pick up Johnnie.  Still I found time to make some adobo Miracle noodles with shrimp and bok choy. I am BACK to my low-carb no-sugar no-red-meat eating pattern. And this dish was pretty good too if I do say so myself.
I did my 2 PM meeting with my IS team again. I am implausibly picking up another gotta-do, gotta-finish project. Still I am pretty unfazed by it. In fact I think I have that one under control too. The trick is to make sure my team keeps up and doesn't get too fazed by it all. I think I can say that about my other team too. The EHR team. Who requested a meeting tomorrow as well. I asked if we could meet today. This afternoon. Why ruin a perfectly good, lazy Friday. Might as well take care of it right here, right now and as soon as possible. Turns out Yolanda, on the team, had a lot of other unfinished unattended-to stuff on her plate that we have to deal with too. But then I did what I do best as a leader... make sure the team is doing ok and make sure I have their back. Before all that, I did the HIMP meeting, hauled my ass out of the house when it got done at 4 PM, and picked up Johnnie at camp, 10 minutes later than usual. Still after pick-up we made a stop at Chili Thai on Pico. We picked up chicken satay for Johnnie's dinner, which went well with the rice I made earlier in the afternoon. Look at the pic of Johnnie goofing around as usual. And he had his dinner while I finished my last meeting. I can't even believe I did SEVEN meetings today. That has to be some sort of personal record. And it didn't faze me. Pretty much the only thing I didn't get to do today was that I didn't listen to any fields and maybe that's not a bad thing. After all I did feel drained yesterday and I feel that much better today. And it definitely felt like everything went my way today, busy day and all. chickpea pasta and turkey bolognese for dinner, finished 11,000 steps again, and Lisa even called by 8 PM to pick up Johnnie and she was in a  pretty decent mood too. I concluded the evening with the latest episode of the Orville. And the latest episodes of the Umbrella Academy. Man this was a long day. But it was a pretty good day. a Very good day.

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