Friday, June 3, 2022

Family Fun Night at Mar Vista Elementary

So right after the FRB Birthday thing, I shifted into overdrive. Felt like there were lots to do. Pick up Panda Express dinner for Johnnie>check. Pick up Johnnie from school>check. Get him started with his Friday Spanish class? check... oh wash all that dye from his hair from today's Funny Hair Day>check. Get MYSELF cleaned up and showered>check. Pack up picnic chairs>check. Drop off Claire at Lisa's>check. Drop off Johnnie's computer for his class tomorrow>check. Get back to the school>check! Whew! We got there right at 5:30 when Family Fun Night was just getting started. First people I see on the lawn already set up was Brooklyn's group, her grandma and her dad. No Brooklyn, no Bailey, no Blair. Playing already I thought. You could see some of the kids immediately bounding towards the play yard right when they get there... immediately separating from their parents. Not Johnnie. He was hungry. He didn't eat any of his lunch. But he wolfed down his Panda Express so I was satisfied with his food situation. For us however, way different. There were supposed to be a couple of food trucks and the only one there when I got there was the Border Grill truck. By now I had resigned myself to the fact that tonight, if just for tonight I would be reverting back to past eating patterns. I'm ok with eating tacos, so long as they were made with real meat LOL LOL. And so I got in line. And waited for my turn. And waited. And waited. And waited. It took 40 minutes to get my order in. By that time, Lisa had arrived and gotten in line herself to get Johnnie ice cream. I got my order in before she did. But I had to wait an additional 15 minutes to get my order prepared. Finally, finally, finally after an hour I got our food. 3 fish tacos, 3 steak tacos, 3 carnitas tacos. Lisa ate all the steak. I ate all the fish. We split the carnitas. It was pretty good. And in terms of my eating patterns, it wasn't that bad of a violation LOL I didn't think. The place was pretty packed and there was a nice turnout. Johnnie of course spent much of the time playing with familiar kids and classmates. I spent most of the time in line for food and/or sitting chatting with Brooklyn's family freezing my ass off. It had gotten cold and I wished I brought my blanket from my car. Anyway, it was nice to participate in a school event AFTER school hours. Nice to see kids laughing, and playing and having fun... a nice perspective considering the tragic event in Texas just a couple of weeks ago. I got home around 8:30. Just sat on the couch and let myself drift into chill mode and then sleep mode. It turned out to be a pretty good Friday at that.

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