Saturday, June 18, 2022

Recharge Saturday

I slept in today until almost 8 AM. That's because I stayed up watching TV last night until well past 1 AM. Which is actually ok since I didn't have any plans for today. No Johnnie, no work, I just decided I needed a TANK DAY on a Saturday. And all that meant was that I needed to resist the urge, the feeling that I had to do something. Especially at this time when I am learning to dissolve my EGO Self and simply be satisfied in the feeling that everything is ok. Yet I didn't feel like vegging on the couch watching TV either. And so I figured I would catch up on all the learning I needed to do. OR simply let things go the way they would. Reminding myself that my only focus today was to fade out those thoughts that I had to accomplish something or that I needed to be somewhere.  I did start with those morphic field audios on the baseline. By that I meant the ego dissolve stuff from Sapien. And somehow I ended up reading an article on the Law of Polarity. I wonder whether the instances where I manifest the exact opposite of what I want is simply that law in action. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The intent may be present, but the emotional content may have been working against the intent. By that I mean that I was focused on the opposite. One cannot eradicate the opposite. There cannot be cold without hot. Happy without sad. But you cannot get happy when subconsciously you're programmed to do sad. And THAT is what I want to learn to do. I manifest the opposite because subconsciously that is what I am pointed to, that is really what I am focused on. Which, in turn, means I have a lot of cleaning up and clearing to do. I know listening to those morphs fields help, but it may need consistent installation daily in order for those things to undo decades of programming. Kind of like a rubber band when stretched in a different way, will tend to revert back to the old form until it doesn't because you keep stretching it that different way consistently. Some patterns need that, others might change instantaneously. And therein lies the work. To me, that is the work that I wanted to do today. I had a goal after all. And that is to create lasting positive change to the outcomes that I want. 
And so I let myself simply go through the chain of morphic fields to listen and I did that all morning. So much so that I actually forgot to have breakfast. Like I wasn't even hungry at all. And when I felt like eating, I made myself a stir fry with plant-based meat. The problem was that the plant-based meat turned out mushy and ruined the stir-fry. Still I ate a couple of bowl fulls just so I wouldn't be hungry. And then since I didn't really feel like I got enough sleep last night, I took a nap right after eating. And woke up an hour-and-a-half later. I ended up with more than 6 hours of good sleep after all LOL. Back to the audio fields I went and this time I was led to cleaning and clearing but not just in my lifetime. I ran into a field that did that for your DNA from your family and your family's lifetimes. That's plural. As in, your ancestors. Turns out that a parent can pass on biological imprints to their children. I wonder how that works with adopted kids like Johnnie? I mean does he get the imprint from his birth ancestors and then ours (mine and Lisa's as well? The indication that I got was that I am here in this lifetime in order to stop the passing of that energetic and I can only do that by working on me first. I cannot heal my family. But I can heal myself. OK then. I accept that and I am up to the challenge. By the time I got off the couch it was nearly 3 PM. It was still a nice warm day out. Not quite hot just yet and that is just fine. I walked to Ralphs, started the grocery shopping activity for a Saturday. Then Sprouts. Replenished my food supply for the week. I did notice for the 2nd day in a row that I was barely at 2000 steps late in the afternoon. Unlike yesterday though I got my active heart rate going and so I finished with almost 80 active minutes today and did it in less than 11,000 steps. I figured I went 11,000 yesterday and I could ease up a bit today. I did watch TV anyway. I figured after almost an entire day of listening to morphic audios, watching TV would be a different type of an activity. Remember I'm trying not to have to do anything today. Did that make me feel more relaxed? Actually I think it did. Certainly more centered and a lot less negative, though that may have more to do with the fact that I didn't really come in contact with a whole lot of people today. And that's ok too. People aren't the enemy. I simply need to work on protecting my own energy. A different kind of work to do.

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