Friday, June 10, 2022


Today started enough like a usual Friday and at first I thought I'd have a pretty free day with just one meeting on my schedule. I did my usual stab at meditation and although I didn't have a particularly good session, at least I had the rest of the morning to keep at it. The Claire drop-off happened as usual and I noted to Lisa that this was the last Johnnie drop-off at school for FIRST GRADE. You know how I do time markers and I was sharing that one. Lisa of course didn't care so much. Her focus was on other things. I noted it anyway. During my video watch this morning I came upon one about FINANCIAL FREEDOM from a 22-year old who had achieved what I am trying to achieve, which is to not have to work anymore and trade my time for money. I remind myself of the goal of living off passive income streams so I can focus on other things. It's funny that when I do think about that the thought comes up that I have a FEAR or CONCERN of not knowing what to do. My identity, my EGO has been tied to the roles and jobs that I have had. I am an IT Executive, I am a manager, a leader in my organization, I manage 3 teams, yada yada yada.I wonder if there is a morphogenetic field that can transform that energy into one of an entrepreneur, and one that I can create that passive income. Just writing about it allows me to realize there is a FEAR OF UNCERTAINTY I need to address. I remind myself that like everything I've been successful at, all it takes is to do it and practice and I eventually get good at it. REAL GOOD AT IT. Evidence? What about all these talks on cybersecurity. I did just speak to a national audience didn't I? Didn't know or think I could be doing that a year ago LOL. And so I posted the video I watched this morning if ONLY for the title of the post which is a subtle reminder to take action NOW> GET RICH NOW OR BE POOR FOREVER. Thank you for the message LOL.

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