Monday, June 27, 2022

Summer Monday

It's the start of a new work week AND it's also the week before the long 4th of July weekend. But I am a tad concerned for the work week, given that I just lost Noriel again for a week, we now have to reschedule the GO-LIVE for the new network implementation which was scheduled to go this weekend. But am I really that concerned? Not really. Because more and more as I work on ego dissolution and become rooted to the fact that any so-called problems I can simply hand over to the Universe and voila: problem solved.  And it is my own thinking that basically makes things more complicated than they should be. It is MY motivations that creates these entanglements that really didn't need all that much attention and emotion. Case in point the Lisa negative energy from the weekend. I simply chose not to give it any more power. And simply kept to my own integrity and boundaries by simply asserting to myself: I AM SORRY SHE FELT THAT WAY. Left it at that and it was all good. Back to Monday though... the routine called for some prep work mentally for the week. I saw the Leadership thing going on on Wednesday but other than that, my schedule was fairly clear. That was a good thing. And of course since it IS Monday I do have to start the day with the morning walk to 5000 steps don't I? It was already warm by the time I got started. And I could hear the lyrics from WAR's song Summer in my head as I walked actually. It put a smile on my face to be sure. Other folks walking the dog in the neighborhood. Early risers at Mar Vista Park playing soccer. Yep, it's summer alright.
By the time midday rolled around, I had already gotten sort of caught up with work and planning the week. Even let my Management Team know how short-handed I was. Trying to get pity points that way LOL. Really I wasn't all that worried at all. I found it funny that most emails came to me today started with "I know you're really short-handed and busy but..." Hilarious! Also by mid-day I had had a nice shrimp salad, to go with the egg sandwich I had in the morning. All that to remind myself not to curtail anymore calorie cutting stuff. It's ok to eat. I mean I do put my body through exercise, not to mention all these morphic fields I listen to actually do take their toll energy-wise as I found out last week when I did a crash by mid-week.  Finally, at mid-day came a call from Lisa. As expected, it was as if the weekend negative interchange never happened. And I already knew that actually. She wanted me to pick up Johnnie from camp. I even volunteered to bring him back when she comes back from piano lessons and have him watch some of her soccer game.  Aren't I mangnanimous LOL. Truthfully I am building enough reserve so she can't say I wasn't thinking of her, not that I really care actually. I wanted Johnnie to care. But I also knew full well he is a child of my routine too. And it is my turn to spend time with him. He was not at all surprised to see me pick him up at camp. This was his first day at Penman camp and his buddy Simon and his dad Ben were there doing their pick-up too. Since it was Monday night, I usually don't get Johnnie for dinner. But tonight I was fully prepared with a hot dog and spaghetti. Yum! And he got full for sure. The kid wolfed down everything. I made myself a vegan pizza. By this time I was actually on track with my steps still and already well past 10,000+ for the day. Johnnie actually put on the movie SING 2 and almost finished it when the time came to go to Lisa's house. I figured we could chill for a half hour then ride to the soccer field and then be home by 8 PM since her game was at 7:15. Eezy-peezy right? Only more and more I am realizing there really isn't any such thing when Lisa is involved.  Yeah Yeah I know everything is me pushed out and all that. But really? Today Lisa even got to the point of being fully dressed and ready to go. Johnnie and I were outside in the backyard waiting for her. Johnnie decides to kick the soccer ball around. Perfectly ok.. I mean he's in the back yard. EXCEPT... He hits the ball square after I just told him he better make it over the lights. That would be the string of lights that light up the backyard. He hit the wire flush and dead on. And I could only laugh as it broke the wire from it's support, the whole thing fell down and 3 of the bulbs broke! Completely fluke accident. How DOES that happen? You couldn't even be mad at Johnnie. He was just playing for crying out loud. My first thought was watch Lisa blame it on me now! To her credit, she didn't. She had to compose herself and walk away for a few minutes. Had to yell at me to stop what I was doing when I got the broom to clean up the broken glass. She thought I was going to broom everything in the grass. Really Lisa? Really? After she showed me how she wanted it done of course, I told her to go on ahead to her game so she wouldn't be late. And so the last pic is of me sweeping up the deck from all the broken glass bits. Yep, ME CLEANING UP after Lisa. Can't even blame her either. Just an accident. I'm glad Lisa didn't blow up. That was the win. And then I went to get Johnnie and we went on home. Back to our normal basically boring routine LOL. I'll take this boring every single time. 

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