Tuesday, June 21, 2022

New Camp For Johnnie

So this morning I drove Johnnie to a new camp, just for this week since Penmar got full. That would be the Westwood STAR camp at Westwood Charter Elementary, one of the highest rated elementary schools in the region. Compared to Mar Vista, they are just about the same in terms of academic rating, just that Mar Vista is more diverse. So anyway, I liked that this camp is at least fairly close. As in it took us 10 minutes to get there since it is located blocks away from Westwood Panda Express. And guess where we're going to pick up food when I pick him up later LOL... I will admit there was a bit of uncertainty with the new camp. And Lisa would remind me last night how much Johnnie did not like the Walgrove camp and the other camps we put him in. But that was before TK even and Johnnie is now far more social than he was back then. I'm not even going to get into why Lisa had to ask if she was going to pay for any of this. Lisa being Lisa. I knew she would, which is why I paid for it from my account. Anyway I posted a pic of him on our way out this morning. Truth be told I didn't really need to send him to camp today but considering how much energy it takes to keep him occupied for the day, I thought it was best... for me. And so it was that I did my Tuesday routine, which was the IS Team Meeting and playing catch-up with emails and projects which were tugging hardest at me. And I ended up doing a fair amount of internal work too, which was the plan all along. Much easier done without Johnnie around. I need to settle on a routine or I end up doing 25 morphic fields a day. I don't think that would be ideal, and I'm sure there would be some effects physically too. I do know I am starting to feel more sensitive to energy and I know for example that my energy is fairly high and I'm pretty balanced at mid-afternoon. I was even energized enough to do a full weight workout at the apartment gym. That's 3 sets of 4 exercises, each with 12 reps. The weights were lighter than I'm used to but hey, I'm starting from scratch aren't I?  Finally when I got done, I scanned my field to sense how Johnnie was doing and even sent thought forms out of Johnnie having fun whatever activities he's doing. When I picked him up at 4 PM, he was all smiles. Miss Jennifer from STAR Mar Vista was on the checkout point and she told me he did just fine today and that she was glad to see him. Really big difference from the last new camp we put him in all those years ago. He talked about meeting a new friend, learning about Mardi Gras, even had Mardi Gras masks for me LOL.
I was all set to have a pretty quiet and routine Tuesday evening. Usually Johnnie and I would drive to Panda Express. This time it was already on the way home. So even though it was an hour earlier than usual, we picked up Johnnie's usual chicken teriyaki and I grabbed a container of veggies for me as well. I could pair that up with literally anything. And tonight, it turned out to be salmon. And so Johnnie and I had an early dinner it turned out. And for me, that wave of work activity didn't happen until right about then at the end of the day. In short order, while I was waiting for my salmon to cook, I blasted out a report of claims with 87,000 records in it, that blasted Vaccine inventory stock update, and a SOW I needed to sign for one of my staff to do EPIC training tomorrow. That one was challenging because I couldn't get into Docusign. And so I had to MANUALLY do it, which did not involve printing at all. It did involve saving it as an image since the pdf was already protected, putting on my signature somehow on the iPAD and then sending it back to myself. Pretty creative if I do say so myself. I got it done. I hope the extra effort was appreciated. Afterwards I made Johnnie come with me to walk the dog AND pick up one of my packages in the mailroom. Look at the pic of Johnnie and Claire. It was while Johnnie was waiting for me to pick up my package did he notice a bunch of kids in the pool. Now mind you, I had already suggested that maybe he could take a quick dip just so he could wash the afternoon sweat from himself. He was that sweaty when I picked him up. But nope, nothing doing. UNTIL he heard all the commotion from the kids in the pool. When I got out of the package room all of a sudden he had a hankering to go swimming now. W-h-a-t the heck?? Now all of a sudden he wanted to go? He did give me a condition: I couldn't tell him what to do, he just simply has to do what he wants. Was that it all along? He didn't want me telling him what to do LOL LOL. And so in short order, he went in the apartment, dressed in his swim trunks, got his goggles and literally almost dragged me to the pool himself. And he spent the next 45 minutes swimming in the pool and then warming up in our building spa. While there, I took the time to finish up my steps. And I got to my usual 11,000 and 70 active minutes today pretty quickly. Except... I felt tired afterwards. What's this now? Is this the steps? Was it because I had a full-on weight workout too? Or is it some of the fields I've been listening to that I needed to get some rest from? Johnnie eased into the usual watch-Pokemon routine although by the time we got back it was nearly 8 PM already. I had to remind myself today is literally Summer Solstice - the first official day of summer and the LONGEST day of the year. Still, I literally felt tired. And when you're tired the solution is simple. Get some rest. And when 9 PM came, I zonked pretty quickly. Pretty long day for Johnnie and I to be sure but a pretty good one too.

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