Friday, June 24, 2022

Summer Friday

So yesterday's 'productive' day at work took a bit of a turn towards the evening, as if all the good stuff I was feeling still had to be tested somehow. First a text from Noriel on my IS Staff.  Her daughters tested positive for Covid. He, of course, had HAD a minor heart attack just recently and though he tested negative, is clearly on the better-be-careful list. What that does to network implementation project coming up next week I'm not sure just yet. And then a late text from the Director of Operations about a couple of things I thought were taken care of nicely today actually had more questions. All work stuff so it can wait obviously. Just an underscore that no matter how good I think things are going, my patience will still be tested and I still need to make sure my state is where it should be. And when I woke up this morning I simply anchored myself to cleansing and clearing negative thoughts and raising my vibration. After all, it IS Friday, it is a nice warm summer morning and it's payday to boot. I've got plenty of money in my checking account. How can I not be grateful for any and all of that! And all that before Lisa had dropped Johnnie and Claire off before she went to work. I had to wait until 8:45 to drop Johnnie off myself at Westwood STAR, which would be his last day at that camp before he starts Penman Camp next week. And already by all accounts he's had a pretty good week so far. Today I only had that Salesforce project meeting close to mid-day and I looked forward to getting that out of the way even though I did have some stuff to do around the project that I simply hadn't gotten to just yet. Having 7 meetings in a day like yesterday tends to stretch me pretty thin these days. And actually just as soon as I got home from dropping Johnnie off I found myself getting busy. Man, no TANK FRIDAY today I guess. What I didn't like was how contentious I saw myself getting at that meeting with DemandBlue. I saw myself almost trying to pick a fight. And I did not like that. I knew it was my ego trying to assert itself which was not a good thing. I knew I wasn't going to be able to do anything productive at the meeting. So I excused myself a half hour in AND got my stuff done that I was supposed to with the project.  I shook off all that stuff by lunch. I went out and got a Beyond Famous Star from Carl's Jr.
Took off the bun and put the meat in between my own low-carb bread. And felt really full. Probably because I had had the rest of my tuna sandwich before. And some lentils too. I felt like I had to up my caloric intake to keep up with all the exercise I do and avoid that low-energy day like on Wednesday. I didn't do as much exercise today. But that's because I found myself working more than I thought, a carryover from the momentum of yesterday. 
Still, by 3 PM I wanted to knock off and go back to carefree-summer-Friday mode. I picked up Johnnie at 4 PM and then made a stop at Panda Express to pick up his dinner. HIs big thing today was that he wanted to go to It's Game Time store a mile from me so he could pick up more Pokemon cards. He had been talking about it all week. And all week I had actually been giving him little tasks here and there so he could earn those cards. But he really did keep talking about it every single night and so I got that it was a big deal for him. Still he did have Spanish class first at 4:30 and by the time we dealt with Panda Express and Friday afternoon traffic, I had to rush just to get us home 5 minutes before his class. And that's when we found out at the last minute that he actually wouldn't have a class today. His teacher's daughter was sick and so she cancelled class at the last second. It didn't bother me in the least. We did the same to her the night Johnnie tested positive for COVID. At least now I could go back to my original plan, which was to pick up my own dinner right after I picked up Johnnie's. Back out we went to get ahi tuna tacos from Poquito Mas  in my now never ending quest to get non-red-meat, non-white-meat and mostly fish plate takeout. I always knew about Poquito Mas but hadn't really gone to the one on Westwood in quite a while. Several years actually. Funny that today I take a pic of Johnnie hanging out in the restaurant waiting for my food. And how was it? Pretty damn good if I do say so. And for $10? This is definitely going on my list for the future. Other than the rice and the tortillas and of course I had to eat the chips that came with it too, if I just lowered that glycemic index from those this would actually be an ideal meal. 2 tacos and beans. Finally after dinner we headed out for Johnnie's activity. Off we went to It's Game Time. Truth be told I would have bought these cards for the simple fact that I can and that I want to see Johnnie happy all the time. Nothing could take the place of him squealing with laughter on my bed a couple of days ago, or how he talked about his day at camp yesterday, or simply how excited he was and how he could barely contain himself while I paid for the Pokemon cards at the store. I'm happiest when he's happy. But I also couldn't resist giving him a teaching moment in valuing money and earning what you get and working within a budget. I told him he could buy up to $30 IF we also earned the $30 by selling something, or providing a service. He quickly figured out that he could sell something to me, which I agreed to. And so he now owed me 3 pictures at $10 each. I'd say that was a good deal. And so his Friday now became a really good Friday. And he spent the rest of the evening playing with those cards, organizing them and then watching more Pokemon videos. By 8:45 pM we still hadn't heard from Lisa but that was ok. I kind of half expected that even. She couldn't possibly have 2 good days in a row could she? I drove Johnnie and Claire to Lisa's house at 9 PM and put him to bed immediately after knowing that I'm going to be right back in the morning since Lisa works tomorrow too. I did not expect that Lisa would not be home yet by 10 PM. I was already half-asleep and I could sense my ego getting all bent out of shape. This after I spent a little time creating emotional energetic shields around myself expecting Lisa to be not in a good mood she had to work this late to the point that I had to drive Johnnie back. I called at 10 PM and she was actually already on the way. And she did not sound too bad at all. We were actually having what I would describe as a pretty pleasant conversation. Until she got home. And then she walked by me and as I walked out and I could sense anger. What the fuck happened now? Weren't we talking just.5 minutes ago? I could have walked back and asked what was wrong. Not tonight. Truth is I didn't care. Powder keg that she is emotionally anything could have set her off. And I simply didn't need the negative emotional shit she slings at you. I went home, mentally brushed off anything that came up that was related to her. And watched a few episodes of the Umbrella Academy. I wasn't about to let her ruin a perfectly good Friday for me. 

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