Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Rest Day?

I tabbed today as somewhat of a rest day. I mean when you're doing workouts, you don't go everyday right? You've got to have a rest day in-between to let your body recover. And make no mistake, not only did I do 15,000+ steps yesterday, got to 133 workout minutes, but I also did some resistance exercises, pull-ups, leg work AND core workout though I did the last one energetically. Let me tell you I did feel a little soreness in my stomach muscles so it really did feel as if I had done the workout. So today I was going to lay off the physical stuff. I felt like I might need to lay off the energetic stuff too as I spent a lot of time doing all those youthing videos. And my body felt like it was working on something. I am not quite sensitive to the subtle energies yet were I know exactly what is happening. But I think all in all those fields I listened to were supposed to do something positive in terms of me looking and feeling younger. We shall see. In the meantime, this week is Johnnie's last week of school and today is Western day which is why I posted a pic of him looking like a Toy Story character. Sorry, that's the only Western wear stuff I could find LOL. Anyway I did manage to pop in and out of tasks which actually lasted all day. A half hour meeting with the IS Team. A half hour with the Sapien Medicine class. A FULL hour wasted on KnowBe4 cybersecurity training because I happened to fall for my own tricks. Yes, I ended up clicking on a link. I was careless. Now I have to do the class as punishment. And yes it did take an hour. Fortunately I was able to pretend like I took it while I did other stuff. And I managed to pass the quizzes. I better. I am supposed to be the cybersecurity expert right? Less than 10 days ago I was doing a webinar on how threat actors psychology you into clicking on a link. HR stuff I even said. I focused on that. How I fell for this one just shows me how careless I get sometimes. Oh well. At least I got all the training done immediately and then on to lunch. Ahi tuna sandwich with tomato basil soup. That soup I got walking to Ralphs right after the IS Team Meeting. See? I did manage to get up and walking around making for a nice little balance there. What I realize I have to do is put myself into more of moneymaking mode. Or money-receiving mode. Gotta keep a nice balance there too.
Although I am absolutely not complaining that I got a nice nap in after lunch. AND got to listen to some more morphic fields while I was at it. The thing was though that in reading more about morphic fields, I did get a bit taken aback that by pure definition, morphic fields are just energetic expressions, and according to one article they may be a coalition of energies, positive or negative. And some of them end up feeding itself by seeking more negative energies, which is what happens sometimes when I think I'm manifesting something opposite than what I intended. That's a part of me fighting for its life and trying to show me what's what. What I need to do is simply observe and not give it any power. THAT is what takes practice. To realize that every thought, every word is an affirmation and a direction. And the work is in not being so prone to reaction but instead observation. Anyway beyond a couple of more tasks I finished today, one of them being a GO-LIVE project for a fix with our texting platform, I found myself rounding into routine. Walking around the neighborhood in the afternoon <I thought I was supposed to be resting?>, picking up Johnnie and then getting his Panda Express dinner right afterwards. For me it was salmon night and that and the shiratake pho with cabbage, bok chow vegetables made for a fine meal. And then I actually helped Johnnie do some math while doing his Prodigy gamified educational stuff. I was trying to get him to notice that he makes mistakes when he gets complacent, even somewhat arrogant. And when he slows down he gets everything right. Slowing down. Not a talent of his. No different than his old man lOL LOL. Anyway an old friend came back this evening. That would be GET SMART on one of those classic TV channels. I can't tell you how happy that makes me to be able to watch Secret Agent 86 again. I almost gave up watching Mayans in favor of him. So this Tuesday was simply more of the balancing act that is the day-to-day. And I got a lot of rest I think. We'll see how I feel tomorrow...

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