Sunday, June 12, 2022

At Least We Got to Go Out To Golf

Usually, Altadena Golf Course is in and out. We get to go out early, play by ourselves and be done in about 2 hours, sometimes even less. Certainly we'd usually be done before 11 AM. That would be one of the big pluses of playing here. Today all that went out the window. We did get to go out early at 8:45. Unfortunately, there were 3 2-somes lined up and in front of them a group of 5 that were not really golfers. Just young people trying to hit the ball. And so they were slow. Normally, Scott and I wouldn't care so much. But we had to wait at each and every hole which makes the golf experience already not ideal.  And when I say wait, I mean for at least 5 minutes. Scott kept commenting that the 2-somes should lump together but the 2 groups before us didn't seem interested at all in doing that. At the LA City courses, they would make you do it. But oh well.  As far as my golf game, I tried the subliminal thing this morning again to see if it would work like I thought it did 3 weeks ago. It DID NOT. My tee shots went pretty good though, although not as far as I usually hit. I was also aware my upper body was just recovering from the most workout it has had in more than a couple of years. Still, it wasn't the tee shots that were problematic. It was the same old fairway shots and the same old putts that added up strokes to the game today. I don't think I hit anything lower than a double bogey all day. You could say I was off rhythm because of the slowness of play. And to be fair, we did manage to get done by 11:30 which would be nearly an hour longer than we would usually be done by. And by Hole 3 I was starting to get hot already as it was a much warmer day here in Pasadena than it is at the Westside, where we're still dealing with the June gloom pretty much until mid-day. What I did take away from today though was that I obviously attracted the impatient waiting energy that I carried at the end of this week and that I worked on when I got home. Let's just say that today was one of those golf Sundays where we were just happy to get out, hit a couple of good shots here and there and still be home by lunchtime. And then I chilled the rest of the day doing internal stuff. So much so I did not watch TV at all. That's gotta be something right? I focused on internal mental/emotional cleaning. And I was tired by the end of the evening. I posted on a separate post about all the cleaning/clearing stuff. I was out like a light by 10:30 PM.

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