Monday, June 20, 2022

Monday Summer Week "2"

It is a Monday, and although it's not quite Summer Solstice yet (that would be tomorrow), it definitely is feeling like summer already. Just look at the pic when I walked out the door for the Monday Morning walk. That definitely looks like a warm summer day at 8 AM. And for me, I'm thinking I'm feeling the effects of all the fields I listened to yesterday. I was kind of like all over the place with all the audios. I listened to fields on reversing age, fields on raising my vibration, fields on specific things like eyesight regeneration, fields on healing, and of course those fields from Spirituality Zone which I thought was a pretty good match for those from Sapien/Enlightened Beings. Anyway all that to say I'm pretty sure my body was trying to acclimate to changes, energetic or otherwise. And I do say that I believe yesterday afternoon's session would probably have the most effects of anything I have ever done. Positive effects anyway. It felt like I was just about to or already have cracked some kind of code. Certainly the one for interacting with the subconscious. It's like I knew you had to "attune" to these subtle energies and learn how to interact with them. And yesterday I felt like I was finally starting to learn how to do just that. And so with that it felt like I slept through the night and when I looked at my Fitbit, one particular metric stood out. That would be breathing rate while asleep. It had jumped all the way to 16 when it averaged 9 in forever. But my resting heart rate stood steadfast at 61, which meant there would be times when I would be breathing rapidly. And I will say it seemed like I had a lot of dreams too. When it felt like I was awake. Anyway I tried to do some meditation on what the week would be like. But honestly this is the week after Tech Council Meeting and I didn't expect it to be busy at all. I know my team has stuff going on... EHR Team will be down 1 for a while, IS Team in the middle of a Network Implementation, Data Team Ship back from vacation and probably looking at a heap of work. But all that didn't even make me worry in the slightest. It's like I know we will be just fine and I will look good and will have created tremendous value in the end. Really all I needed to focus on this morning was timecards and the HRSA survey which I had done every other Monday for more than a year and a half now. I did the timecards last night. So check. And by noon, I was done with the HRSA Survey too.
AND I will note that I was at 5000+ steps and 44 active minutes by 9:30 AM. And I had breakfast and a shower before my EHR Team Meeting at 10 AM. They sounded a bit down but not beaten so that's a good thing. I will help them through the next 8 weeks. In the meantime, what bothered me was that now there was some pain in my left elbow, to be sure from doing all those pull-ups. I still managed 10 in one set and couldn't do more than 5 after that. I struggled to get to 25 but at least I got there. About the ache? One more thing to discover a morphic field to help it heal. I kept listening to some more stuff in the morning and through lunch, only interrupting the steady stream to go out in the middle of the afternoon to pad my step count. By 5 PM I was already thinking about the Johnnie hand-off tonight. I had it in my mind that there would be some 'strangeness' with Lisa and noted to myself that THAT was my Ego and I was likely to perpetuate that on myself. You know... the whole everything is ME PUSHED OUT thing. Sure enough, Lisa didn't answer the 2 times I called her around 6:30. It was 7:10 PM when she called back and I was already headed to her house to at least pick up Johnnie's book bag and computer. Of course she had to talk about herself and to complain about stuff. Joy not getting there until Friday <though I'm sure they had a pretty good time all weekend>, FeiFei all of a sudden cancelling plans for some kind of kids adventure the first week of July that Lisa couldn't possibly reschedule. Sucks to be her I know LOL. I cannot deny I was irritated that she didn't answer back and meet MY expectations. Though really I got Johnnie back by 7:30 and that was all I could ask for right? I had already had dinner, he already had dinner and Lisa was too zonked to do anything else anyway. WHAT I TOLD MY EGO-SELF was that Lisa becomes a problem only when I allow her to be and when I choose her to be. I simply have to choose differently. And tonight that meant simply having Johnnie for the rest of the week. Who cares what she thinks about anything we do? She ain't going to be around to give a shit. And with that, Johnnie was back with me <see pic>, back to watching Pokemon, I'm back to walking the dog, and we're back to early self evenings. That's a good thing. With all these fields I listen to now, I'm going to need some extra rest. At least I'm feeling back to normal today and that is REALLY GOOD.

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