Saturday, April 9, 2022

A Lisa Work Saturday

Normally, this would be a Lisa non-work Saturday which means the best I could hope for would be a couple of hours with Johnnie in it for breakfast or perhaps just a bit more if Lisa has something like Pilates to do. But today for some reason, Lisa is working and therefore I'm picking up Johnnie at 7:30. I'm only all too happy to do that of course. I even got up at 7 AM and took a shower. A rarity for a Saturday for me. But necessary, since it had been hot the last couple of days and I feel myself sticky. AND I hadn't taken a shower since Monday. I'm sure I'd be smelling gamey if I didn't do it today. By then I had had a nice meditation session, clear mental imaging cycling exercises and I even got up and did work. yes work. I downloaded what I needed to do my HRSA survey report that I usually do on Monday. I  figured I'd get ahead. All that and I was out of the house by 7:30 AM.  And still Lisa calls me letting me know she had forgotten to tell me she has a patient at 7:30. What a surprise. Lisa just being Lisa. Still, Johnnie and I picked up his breakfast at McDonalds, we went home and I made myself celery/carrot/apple juice and it felt like a weekday in fact. Except of course it wasn't and I wanted to take advantage of having Johnnie for at least this morning. Dexter is coming in to Lisa's office for a cleaning and Lisa and I had talked about doing lunch with him after his appointment. And so I didn't count on having Johnnie after lunch today and I was going to make the most of whatever time we had together.  I let him watch videos while having breakfast. But when he got done we headed out. We headed to Target since I still had to buy a bunch of home stuff. All this juicing and I'm starting to have a collection of those produce plastic bags in the corner of the kitchen counter. I use those now for the pulp of all the stuff I juice. Why not buy a receptacle for those Lisa style. And of course I had to buy a couple of shorts for Johnnie. If it's starting to get hot then the less he needs to wear long pants. And I hate that he still has 4T shorts over at Lisa's house. Easy enough to quietly replace them with his appropriate size. Of course Johnnie still did end up with a toy. A mini-badminton set was what he chose. It was all of $3 so I let him pick it up. After the morning jaunt to Target, we still had plenty of time to watch the original How To Train Your Dragon movie before we headed out to Lisa's office to meet up with Dexter. 
You never know how these plans go especially when Lisa is involved. There is a large amount of fluidity to them. At the very least I planned on catching up with Dexter over lunch. And when we got there, Lisa was just finishing up his procedure. I was prepared to take Dexter home in fact. That we all ended up at Oops, all meaning not just Dexter, Johnnie and I, but Lisa did come. Angie tagged along and so did Don and Sheila (Dexter's sister and brother-in-law). And we all ended up having a perfectly fine lunch. Johnnie with his tempura udon (he even ate all his shrimp), me with seared tuna over salad. Even Dexter with his own dietary restrictions had fried calamari and salad. I think a fine time catching up was had by all. We never did have a one-on-one catch up Dexter and I but hey, he's now out on medical leave from Disney and by his own account, doing nothing while staying with Sheila and Don temporarily. We will have our time catching up to be sure. They even booked a visit at Sheila's on Dexter's birthday on May 7. And so by the time we got back to the apartment, it was already past 2 PM and since Lisa decided to go back to the office to finish up her administrative stuff, I get to have Johnnie for the rest of the afternoon after all. We ended up watching more How To Train Your Dragon videos and then Johnnie decided to play with the badminton set we just purchased. And play. And play. And play some more. Boy he sure liked playing with that thing. Probably an easy $3 purchase I would label excellent. I did too. I saw I still had pretty good hand-eye coordination. We would have had nothing but fun, except that my controlling self did rear its ugly head and yelled at Johnnie to slow down and hit the ball correctly. Correctly? WTF? It's just a badminton game man. And not even a real set at that. Where did that come from? Fortunately I did notice Johnnie wincing when I yelled at him and corrected it with a lot of compliments after he started hitting the ball well. Man what a controlling athlete's dad I will turn out to be... if I don't work on that now huh? Unfortunately that controlling self was still very much in my consciousness when Lisa called. She was about to tell me when she was picking up Johnnie. Before she ventured our conversation into a discourse on how her staff spent $240 on tacos for a birthday lunch. Naturally she then ended up venting about contributing $100 to the lunch we just had. And had to blame me for it. Boy that just raked an old wound with ME. Don't fucking blame me for showing you have $100 to drop. In cash. That your dad gave you. And then blame me for having to pay for more than half the meal. I HATE HATE HATE when she does that.  It took the energy of a nice little reunion we had today (see pic) and just almost rendered it meaningless. And when she kept going on about it, I snapped. I was done. I told her so, I told her I didn't want to talk about it anymore and basically ended up hanging up on her.  I knew we were headed for an argument. I stopped it cold. And I never heard from her the rest of the evening. I didn't care. I dropped Johnnie and Claire off at 8:30 at her house. She was already there. I gave Johnnie a hug and just left. No need to talk to Lisa. Controlling self or not, I was done talking about whatever bullshit was going on in her office. And I went home and went on with my evening. Yes I apologize for yelling at her too. And Johnnie. I should have just said nothing. But oh well she caught my angry self. She should learn too.

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