Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Finally Johnnie is Cleared to Return to School

I was anxious for Johnnie this morning. Anxious for him to take the COVID test and hopefully it comes out negative so he can go back to school tomorrow. I was going to wait until mid-morning to make sure. But first I had to prepare Johnnie in case it was positive. I told him that if it was, then he would have to keep staying with me until the weekend which means he would miss his Spring Sing on Friday. "that's ok, DAD' he said. Someone else will have to be speaker 6 and we have to tell Ms. Williamson, he said. After he said that, I just thought to myself he just HAS to test negative. We went to McDonald's to prepare for the other direction. After all, it IS Tuesday. Normally we would be going to McDonald's to get his breakfast. And he ate it as if he were going to school today. As it were, we get a call from Lisa during breakfast. The School District had called her asking about the test. What? Boy, they are serious about this stuff aren't they? I waited until Johnnie finished his breakfast. I tested myself I was so anxious. NEGATIVE. All this time being exposed to Johnnie and I never got the bug. Anyway I tested Johnnie again. And all I will say is that I uploaded his NEGATIVE test result. And by mid-morning, I got an email saying he was cleared to return to school. YES! He gets to do his Friday show. He gets to see his friends again. And I get to return to some semblance of normalcy. Don't get me wrong. I loved that I have had Johnnie for the last 5 days. Actually, considering I had to pick him back up on Thursday night, I have had him for 8 days now. So much for not having had him for 24 hours. Counting Spring Break, I have certainly made up time with him haven't I? He is definitely in play mode almost 100% around me when he's well. He keeps saying, he wants to wrestle me all over again. I sometimes have to balance that with a little restraint since I know he's not like that with Lisa, but I also hope he's not like that with other kids too. He's no longer little. He can actually hurt someone if he's not careful. Especially since he has a penchant for going full out 100% all the time.
So now we both realize this is his last day of semi-vacation. And I didn't even let him watch TV until after lunchtime. I made him do EPIC books all morning long, just like we did when he was doing online classes for kindergarten. And then when he finished 5 books, and a whole bunch of 3rd grade math exercises, only then did I let him go back to watching Pokemon and his Dragon Riders show. And we got food out today too. For the third day in a row, we got him chicken strips from Jack-in-the-box for lunch. And then for dinner we got him some teriyaki chicken from Panda Express. Hey, it's Tuesday after all.  In the meantime, I still had to work and do my meetings. Since I wasn't at the Employee celebration it was the first time some people are seeing me since last week. But I managed to cruise through the day. I did some morphic fields stuff too though not 3 times today like I did the past couple of days. I had a feeling I needed to take my foot off the gas and that was ok. I still did my 11,000 steps. After a slow start I still managed 70 active minutes. I just thought I'd let my body settle a bit and see how I felt this evening. Not that I felt sick or anything, I simply wanted to see if there were any effects that my body wanted to communicate with me. Something I needed to do more of or something I needed to do less of. All in all, I did most of my audio stuff in the evening before I went to bed. In the meantime, I tried to enjoy Johnnie's last full day with me while laid up by Covid. After today it's back to school for him and back to the old routine with Lisa starting Thursday.  Just look at him and Claire tussling with each other on my brand new couch! I must say Johnnie IS enjoying that huge bed of his now. I woke up to him last night having rotated 45 degrees in the bed. But it's so big, it didn't matter. He started tussling with me too and I must admit I missed his physicality. He did too and wouldn't stop tussling both with me and the dog. That's the Johnnie we know. Happy, playful, and very much all smiles no matter what he's doing. It might have been adverse circumstances this past weekend. But I still wouldn't trade it for much.

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