Thursday, April 14, 2022

Driving Back Home

I woke up this morning before it was 6 AM. Early maybe, but considering I went to bed before 10 PM last night I got plenty of rest I thought. One check of my Fitbit though and it showed I logged 7 hours of sleep with a sleep score of almost 80. I'd say I got some pretty good rest. AND my resting heart rate is now down to 64bpm. That matches the low from a week ago and the lowest it has been in a long time. Must be all that walking at SD Zoo and Legoland the past few days. One thing is for sure, the stress management score also shows I'm not the least bit stressed either. And so it does feel like I am having a pretty refreshing vacation. The only thing that keeps me from feeling totally tip-top is that I am still pee-ing drops at first and then it increases to a trickle then full flow. And so really, it's slow going but considering everything, I think I'm ok for now. At least there is no more blood in the urine. Gotta keep working on it energetically I'd say. Keep doing image cycling. IT WORKS!! I will say that later on I took my BP and it was 117/71 the first time. Perfectly normal. No re-takes. MY BLOOD PRESSURE IS NORMAL. Tick that one off the image cycling list. No reason why I couldn't do the same with my PSA level. All in all I'd say I'm feeling MUCH BETTER than the previous times we'd go to San Diego. So today we head back home. A quick 2-day trip but it was well worth it. WE got a text and a call from Lisa first thing. She's working today, which means I don't have to drop off Johnnie with her. But then again she mentions that Claire the dog has been throwing up all week and hasn't been eating. And so we gotta go over there and get her anyway. 
On the drive back I got stuck on the 5. By that I meant I should have stopped for breakfast someplace nice in the OC. Instead I thought we would go much faster. I was stuck in Downey/Pico Rivera and it was already close to 9 AM. I HAD to stop. Fortunately I got off the freeway and found a Jack-In-The-Box. It had eggs, sausage, and OJ. AND hash browns that Johnnie wolfed down. And mini-pancakes too (see pic). We did fine. And we were home by 9:45. I unpacked some and THEN we went to get Claire. When we got to Lisa's house, she pee'd on the floor she was so glad to see me. She seemed terrified of something. probably the workers working on the foundation below. She's not sick, she was just neglected. Ay Lisa! I took us home, made her rice and chicken. Last time I did this was more than a year ago when she was just a puppy and couldn't hold anything down. At least she did eat so I think she's going to be ok. Officially I'm still on vacation actually but I did do a team meeting just to check on the IS guys and make sure they are OK. Nothing burned down. Kind of quiet actually. Just like I visualized or spoken it. I managed to catch myself up on everything and STILL found time to play with Johnnie. Although when we were playing swords, he did not like that he lost. So much so, he started to cry. Man I didn't realize how much he hates to lose. Good job DAD, making your son cry playing swords. I had to hug him and tell him he was just fine. This kid is going to be a battler. I have to teach him he can't always win though. Anyway it seemed like the time flew by this afternoon. We weren't at an amusement park or anything and it still went by FAST. Before long, Lisa was calling to pick up boy and dog. And she did, by 6:30. I didn't mind. I get him right back tomorrow and Saturday. I ended up watching Picard Episode 7 and chilling the rest of the evening. Vacation over. And it was a good one.

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