Thursday, April 21, 2022

Johnnie's Living Animal Museum presentation

Today was a big day in my mind, at least in the morning. First we finally get to Johnnie's Living Animal museum day in his classroom. This is a huge deal because it's the first time we're actually seeing his classroom. I mean we never got to see his kindergarten classroom ever. Yet one more step toward normalcy. I was so excited I got to the line at the door in front of the kinder play yard before 9 AM.  I was the first one there and well before Lisa got there. She did get there on time though and we both were the first ones through the door at Room 7. Of course we would go to Johnnie's table first. They were put in pairs or groups of 3. YOu can see Johnnie's group in the picture. Overall he did fine though I must admit I was a bit overwhelmed to actually listen to him. The fact that he got up, got it done, did his speech, and did it over and over for all the other parents was plenty good enough for me. I was SO proud of him. I'm not even going to mention that he had thrown up this morning and I thought it was a case of nerves in fact. He got up really REALLY early and couldn't sleep beyond 6 AM in the morning. Of course there were other kids too. Notably, Brooklyn came as a monarch butterfly. What a pair: a pangolin and a monarch butterfly LOL. And I took the opportunity to look up the other kids that Johnnie talks about. There's Aviv of course who is destined to be a bit of a troublemaker later on in life, though he is an intelligent kid by all accounts too. There's Ford who Johnnie got tangled with and had the hand abrasion for a few weeks. Boys being boys I guess. All in all it was a quick 15 minutes, but it was a very much treasured 15 minutes, at least for me. And then afterwards, I dropped Claire off to Lisa's house. She had a very chill day with no plans today and I urged to just bask in having nothing to do. I know I would. Today I actually cancelled all my team meetings, just so I WOULD have nothing to do. Instead I headed over to the Santa Monica Third Street Promenade and right to the Apple store. Today I bought my Mac Air M1 laptop. Cost me $1100. I had already earmarked my tax refund for such a purchase. And I told myself that if I'm going to enjoy being a millionaire I had also be used to making such larger purchases. Especially if I have plenty of money and those purchases don't even make a dent in my finances. AND I was looking for a laptop anyway. Finally the old Thinkpad from USC stevens days gave out. I mean I did have it for almost 8 years! It was time for a new one and I mean I new one that I owned for myself. I was very pleased with the purchase. The thing is snappy. I don't think I'm going to have any more computer problems moving forward. After all I have to start designing my life without any QueensCare gear don't I LOL. Speaking of which I needed to start getting ready for the Employee party tomorrow and to that end I did have one meeting to go to. That would be the Leadership Check-in at 3 PM, the last meeting of the day and of the week. I participated at least and then looked forward to picking up Johnnie and doing his Spanish lesson at Lisa's house.

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