Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Technology Council Meeting Day

Used to be the Tech Council Meeting Day I would be a little bit stressed. You never know what the C's are going to throw at you. Until I simply resolved to be ok with that. That I'm never going to know what they're going to throw at me and that I have to be comfortable that who I am and what I know is enough. More than enough. By now, after almost 9 years I think I have earned that. And so with that in the back of my head, I treated today about as stress-free as I could. Which is why I posted Johnnie pics still on this post. Nothing like watching a kid play and run with almost no care in the world. That is what I'm modelling today. I'm just going to be me. As it were, I dropped Johnnie off and walked right into a meeting: the Communications Meeting which I ended up being the first one up. All I do for this meeting is talk about snippets - and I mean very small snippets from the Tech Council Presentation in another few hours.  One thing about being the first up is that it means you're also done early. And I could tank off and do other stuff for the rest of the hour while everyone else talks about their stuff. Group energy this morning isn't quite as high, which is kind of a good sign for my own meeting later on. Not likely it goes more than an hour if it's like this meeting. The funny thing was that since my meeting doesn't start until 2 PM anymore I actually had time to lounge around and watch the Season Premiere of the Mayans MC. A brown version of Sons of Anarchy to be sure. I wasn't really all that into SOA, but for whatever reason I'm much more into Mayans and the story of EZ "Ezekiel". So much so I almost made it into the 2nd episode of the 2-part season premiere before I realized that it was almost GO TIME for the Tech Council Meeting. As it were I was pretty relaxed and I'm pretty sure it showed. My ego was not engaged and I was just floating information. They all can decide what happens if it goes that way. Otherwise, I'm just doing my thing. And so it was that I really didn't have all that much to talk about. Not more than an hour anyway and even while we digressed some, we still got done before the hour was up. People had questions still, but nothing that I couldn't handle really. And so I had the rest of the afternoon free until it was time to pick up Johnnie. 
So tonight we were supposed to go to Lisa's office to reprise doing Johnnie's Spanish class there and then go to dinner afterwards. So more pictures of Johnnie's day really. He did so well with the Spanish class I thought. It's like I could almost see neural pathways getting created already so he will never have a problem with it later on in life. Kinda like I was brought up knowing that Tagalog sounded like Spanish so lots of Spanish I can already understand. The neural pathways were already there. For once Lisa wasn't in the middle of some crisis or some drama and so she actually managed to attend the class with Johnnie right from the beginning. And I think she was just as impressed as I was at how much material Johnnie got to cover in just today. So we got done and we reprised what we did 2 weeks ago too. That was getting Johnnie's dinner first at Panda Express and then getting Lisa's and my dinner at SeaSalt poke across the way at what used to be the Olympic Collection. I agreed to do this because it was good for Lisa to get out of the office and actually have dinner with Johnnie. It keeps the pattern of crap going on in her office neutralized. Or at least interrupted. AND she gets to have a decent meal to boot. Never mind that it cost me almost $30 for all of us. Small price to pay for a little bit of harmony. I hope that can put to bed all this shit Lisa goes through every time she has to shell out a little bit of money. She never sees how much people shell out on her LOL. Least alone ME! Anyway we all had a decent dinner and then off we went our separate directions, Lisa home early for once and me and Johnnie back to the apartment. We still had a lot to do tonight. It is FINALLY Johnnie's classroom Living Animal Museum day tomorrow and I can't wait to see how Johnnie does with his pangolin exhibit. But tonight I had to fix it up so he doesn't lose most of his scales. That's the beauty of it you know. Those scales I mean. I could hardly get Johnnie to stand still while I fixed parts of his costume. But afterwards I was confident it would hold up tomorrow.  This is going to be great! And so Johnnie went to sleep ready for his big day. As did his dad.

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