Sunday, April 10, 2022

A Satisfying Golf Game For Once

So last week I had that birdie on Hole 2 at Altadena which I had never done before. It was a difficult hole and getting that birdie is one of those things that make me keep coming back. Even though I didn't actually have a really good game. The fact that it was just the two of us Scott and I made it feel like a practice round and that was just fine with me. I am perfectly fine being out there just having fun and getting a lot of exercise doing it. Today we're at Harbor and I was lucky enough to lock in an 8:50 tee time. The cool thing was that there wasn't anyone joining us, which meant that for the second week in a row, it's just Scott and I. He swatted his first shot nice and true down the middle, I swatted mine a few yards short of his to the right. He got on the green in 2, I got on in 3. He made his putt for par, I made mine for bogey. And off we went with a good start. Until Hole 2 when I mucked it up with a 2 straight whiffs from the fairway. Sigh. This second hole... But then I settled down after that. A nice bomb of a tee shot on the next hole, a near par on Hole 4.  And my best hole, Hole 5. The longest hole in the entire course, one I usually shoot a 7 or more. Today I made par! YES!!! Just like last week's birdie on Hole 2, this one will carry me for the day. I actually had 3 straight bogeys after that. And only a whiff from the fairway from barely 70 yards to the hole broke my streak. All in all, I would say I had a pretty good game in fact. 1 par and 4 bogeys on this course is more than decent. Except for Holes 2, 3, and 9 I actually played pretty well. Scott commented that he was pretty satisfied with his game today too. And the best part? We were done by 11 AM! So quick was I to get home, I missed the traffic on the 405 North entirely and walked in to my apartment before noon. The only difference was that usually, a trip to Harbor meant lunch at IN-N-Out El Segundo. Not today. Not anymore. Today I was going to eat the stuff I bought last night. That would be Beyond meatballs and shiratake noodles. I wanted to try the latter in my now ongoing search for carb substitutes. The surprise was that it actually tasted like well done pasta. And so my fettuccine and meatballs substitute turned out just fine.  
I spent the next couple of hours with some nice meditation on my couch. Not that I was stressed today. Quite the opposite actually, even with last night's Lisa inter-action. I know I need to work on whatever it is in ME that had brought about the interaction, I know it is a trigger I need to release. But then again, sometimes Lisa needs to be called out too. Tonight, she was still not in the best mood. In fact, when I look at all my interactions with her all week, even from Monday when she asked me to pick up Johnnie because she was tired, she was simply not having a good week. Tonight she ended up calling me because apparently Johnnie had expressed a lot of excitement about going down to San Diego with him next week. Imagine, getting punished and yelled out for being excited. Lisa got her feelings hurt apparently that Johnnie kept talking aobut it. Was she jealous? Likely. If it were me I would simply maximize what time I have with him. Instead of telling him I'm tired of being her mom now. That's her own mom talking. Unfortunately I couldn't help Johnnie tonight. Not from my apartment. All I could do was tell him to listen to his mom. Fortunately I was in a much better mood from all the meditation this afternoon. I would say it was one of the best image cycling sessions I've had. And so I was very well balanced when Lisa happened to call. And I didn't need to do anything and I didn't react. I just listened and let Lisa's own energy dissipate. It will be tomorrow night soon enough and I could just pick up Johnnie as per usual. In the meantime, I tried that jackfruit that supposedly has the texture of pulled pork and put it in between cauliflower sandwich thins. THAT did not taste good at all. I had to eat some tomato and basil soup to wipe that taste out of my mouth.  and had some swai and tomato and cucumber salad for a real dinner. And then had my Zen tea to wind down. I needed it. I got some more unnerving news this afternoon. My network admin Noriel suffered a heart attack on Friday. He said it was minor. But how minor could it have been if they had to put a stent in his arteries? So goes the continuation of medical stuff happening to people in my awareness. The more I need to focus on health and wellness. And the more I need to watch my own thoughts. Gotta meditate even more now.

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