Saturday, April 23, 2022

All Day All Johnnie

So I realized that Johnnie will be with me for the entire weekend and then some. I don't think I've ever had him for an entire weekend, certainly not without a block of time leaving him with Lisa. Funny Lisa reminded me last night that I am finally getting a chance to spend more than 24 hours with him at some point. Some chance. First he's got COVID so I can't really be near him. It's like he has to stay in the living room and I'm in the bedroom. We can't go anywhere and do anything so that's a whole lot of fun <sarcasm> AND until this morning we didn't even have much food in the house. I finally had to take Johnnie to Ralphs with me, and made him stay in the car. In the meantime, Johnnie was already much better last night and so after a nice, long sleep he's even better this morning. A double check of his temp clears him at 98.9 and I made him Lisa's Sourdough bread for breakfast, augmented with strawberries and a couple of pieces of bacon. He ate it all too. That is the indicator that he is feeling much much better. I must say that if that is what was going to happen, Johnnie being down for.24 hours but very much fine afterwards, I would have been ok with that. No wonder my mom exposed me to all these bugs that my brother Mike got so we could be sick together. Get it over with and then you're good to go from then on. Kind of like when Johnnie passes the COVID test next, he will be exempt from those weekly tests anymore. And I won't have to worry about him ever contracting it.  He's got natural antibodies now. In the meantime, what do I do with this kid? I can't touch him. I could barely get him to brush and floss his teeth last night without getting too close. I wash my hands every time I'm near him. Or at least immediately engage a hand sanitizer LOL. That's the way it's going to be all weekend I'm afraid. Still, by mid-morning it was clear that he was going to be fine for the duration of the quarantine. My problem would be how he would not be bouncing off walls considering he is going to be limited in terms of range and activities. He has to stay indoors as much as possible. ALTHOUGH, by mid-morning he had requested a lunch of penne pasta in chicken noodle broth. And then not even an hour after, requested a second lunch. He's just fine to be sure. And what 2nd lunch did he request? Jack-in-the-box chicken strips. I thought it was perfectly fine to head out and get that one. I mean, we're only going through the drive-thru. That should be harmless. By afternoon he had shifted from old Winnie the Pooh episodes to Pokemon and then to his Dragon Riders. I stayed in front of my computer in the bedroom going through a whole host of morphic fields videos.
It was funny that I ended up reading about people frustrated that manifestation is not working for them. All I can say is that for sure WE are all different. What works for one, may not necessarily work for another. It all depends on the volume that is their consciousness and individual awareness. and of course we are all different in that way. One may have to work on releasing all kinds of negative layers first. Other people, not so much. I liken it to a computer program. The program won't work if the OS is not clean. Or at least it might run slow or be extremely limited. For me, the only thing that hasn't looked like it has worked in a very short period of time is the prostate stuff. Although I will say I probably had neglected it for a couple of decades and therefore I need to really dig into what 'program' or 'pattern'  has gotten itself stuck. And that part may take a little bit of time and consistent work in order to get released. It's like this rubber band being forced to go a different pull and then going back to the pull it has been used to all this past time. It may take a bunch of times before it gets molded into a new form. There is also the collective consciousness surrounding what is expected from "aging". I may have been guilty of buying into all that early on and I even remember a long time ago way WAY back when my inexperience brought about anxiety that led to some dysfunction. Talk about bad programming. I had to work through all that. Who knows if that stuff left some residue.I know there is some limitation I need to work still through regarding money and my experience with losing it and going bankrupt. And to me, THAT is the work that is required. And I am happy to do THAT work. By the time dinner came around I finally realized that this sort of turned out to be kind of like a weekday with Johnnie, not a Saturday. Normally, I'd have an hour with him in the morning and then I get the rest of the weekend to myself. Not so this weekend. And despite the situation, the day went by kind of quickly actually. We still did do some grocery shopping at Trader Joe's and at Ralphs too. The rest of the day was quiet. Until I made Johnnie his pizza for dinner and made me my fish and made me shiratake noodle fettuccini and Beyond meatballs. Hard to believe that those noodles barely have any carbs in them. And so it was that it felt like a weekday still when I stayed in my room in front of my computer while Johnnie stayed in his "room" aka the living room quarantining the rest of the day. I hope he's not too bored. As for me the only different thing is that I'm not able to watch MY TV shows while he's on watching Pikachu. And that's ok. I actually spent the evening re-doing my iTunes collection on my phone. Even Johnnie says it has gotten too old, too stale. Heck I've had the same songs since the time I moved in on my own. That's almost 4 years. Those songs HAVE gotten a bit old. So I replaced a whole bunch of them. Let's see how this works. AND THEN I worked on some morphic field videos too. Maybe I just discovered a new protocol for manifestation right? That would be TOO COOL!

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