Thursday, April 21, 2022

Johnnie Gets Covid

Except we never got to do the Spanish lesson. I had to cancel it. STAR had called me and Lisa and let us know Johnnie had complained of a big headache and so Lisa picked him up early. I was all set to bring Johnnie's computer over for the Spanish class but when I got there, Johnnie was asleep. And Lisa had sent me a text that I missed that I needed to cancel Spanish class because Johnnie was sick. I was skeptical of course since I knew Johnnie had thrown up this morning and he woke up early and so I was thinking all he needed was a nap. To that end, I did cancel Spanish class. And then I went on home. I was irritated because if Johnnie has to stay home tomorrow, then I won't get to go to the employee party. And Lisa was clearly leaning that way. She herself was dealing with yet another yeast or bacterial something that the doctors couldn't figure out but it was clearly bugging her. Better for me to deal with that and if I have to pick up Johnnie tomorrow, then so be it. Until 6:30 PM when I got another call from Lisa. This one was a DOOZY. She tested Johnnie for COVID. It came back positive. DAMN. She asked if he could stay and quarantine with me since she does not want to catch it. And so I picked up Johnnie and Claire and took them to my apartment. I was in a bit of shock I'm not going to lie. Damn.

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