Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter Sunday

Already this is not a typical Easter Sunday. Whereas before there would usually be some kind of festivities at Lisa's house, this year there is none. Not really sure why but I am not going to question it either. Never mind that I booked us at Penmar in anticipation that I would have to be at Lisa's house by lunchtime. Last year, Johnnie's brothers came. The years before that, it was Varsha and Sharon and Balwan. But alas, the latter is now in Ireland and Johnnie's brother's? I'm told Lisa is celebrating Easter NEXT Sunday. Great. Still, there is golf to play today and so I'm not too broken up about it at all. Besides, it's a nice day out and I get to try on my NEW New Balance shoes. And with new socks to boot LOL. And I can work on my focus exercises and not get myself too rushed when I play. First hole, nice tee shot, terrible second shot but I'm on in 3.  Misses a long putt, settled for a bogey. 2nd Hole, nice tee shot, second shot hits the trees, I do a 7. 3rd hole - the EASIEST hole that I can not seem to land on the green off the tee in forever. Except today. I hit a nice 6-iron that landed 20 feet from the hole. Who dat? I missed the birdie putt, but got my par. NOW I can breathe easy. I got a 6 on Hole 4, a bogey on Hole 5. And on the long Hole 6, I was actually already 120 yards from the pin after 2 shots. But I messed around and finished with a 6. On Hole 7, I had a decent shot off the tee, and BLASTED my 2nd shot within 20 yards of the hole. I got a par on that hole. So already I got my requisite 2 pars today. Which signifies that I played decently. We were paired up today with a couple who we played with before. And a single woman who hit the ball pretty hard. Reminded me of Lisa and Mandy that way. I wonder if we could get her to play with us again?? LOL.  I didn't really pay attention to how Scott played. But he seemed to play his usual ok game. I know he had at least one par.  And so it was that we at least got to play today, and it turned out to be a pretty nice day. And we got done by 11 too. I went home and made me a shrimp salad for lunch. Why spend $20 on salmon at Crimson? Especially when I have all this food I brought home from Sprouts yesterday?! I did have a breakfast shake from Robek's this morning. But the shrimp salad and some of the Indian kidney bean and tamarind package did just fine as a side dish. I coulda shoulda taken a nap after lunch. Instead I did a whole bunch of videos. AND watched the Dodgers game. The boys swept the Reds today. It would have been NBA play-off watch time but alas the Lakers did not make it. And they will spend the summer in embarassment to be sure. But hey we're still basking in the RAMS Super Bowl win. In this town it isn't enough to win. YOU gotta win it all! Anyway today's lessons and learnings started with Morphic fields. I know I'm getting more down the rabbit hole with energetic technologies and systems but how can I doubt even my own results? My resting heart rate is back down to 62 today. That's athlete level. Just because I changed my diet 6 weeks ago? And most of my numbers are back to normal? If that is all it takes, why does not everyone do this? Am I to become one of the champions of this different lifestyle? Especially as we age? Then again, who says we even have to age? LOL. There are already frequencies and attunement videos all over the place about sirtuins and stem cells that can be stimulated. Heck I even saw a Tony Robbins video about it. He is 64 and claims to have the biological age of 51. Why not me? Well, first I gotta address my urinary system. Not that I now believe there is a serious problem, but it's like my blood pressure. It was high but now very much controlled and almost back below average even. I know i have to do the same with my prostate PSA numbers and that I will do, hence all the focus on frequencies and energetic modalities. And then, this being Sunday and all, I have to look back to the week that was. My favorite moments: the HOT AIR balloon ride at the San Diego Zoo with Johnnie. Visiting my sister. Johnnie having pizza and pasta 3 days in a row. A sushi Friday night with Lisa at her office. Not so favorite moments? Claire pooping in my apartment. Grrr. Still, it was a very good Spring Break week. And I was glad I got to spend all that time with Johnnie.

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