Friday, April 29, 2022

Did I Just...

I started this morning doing 3000 steps, about 20 active minutes. Then took Claire from Lisa's hands <a good sign that this happened at 8:00 AM... it means they were plenty on time> I am EXCITED to go to Johnnie's Show later on this morning. So much so, I cut my meditation excercise shorter than usual, as in I just sat on the couch and listened to morphic fields and 45 minutes later, I hopped in the shower. Funny thing I noticed while I put my clothes on though. My pants seemed a lot bigger than usual. As in the waist was at least a couple of inches larger. There was so much room I had to take a pic. I tried on another pair of pants. Same thing. WOW! Did I just go all the way back down to the 32-inch waist that I had more than a decade ago? It felt even smaller than that even. Double WOW. I mean I knew I had dropped from 180 lbs to 166 a month ago when I last got checked up at Forward. But I didn't really feel my clothes loosened up then. Now I do. And I am truly down to a normal 120/75 Blood Pressure. Man, I really did need to just watch what i ate anymore didn't I? I just couldn't eat any more garbage the way I did. Certainly I cut down on sugar to almost nothing. And carbs too. That alone likely was as instrumental in the body change than anything. Now to work on tightening up my muscles too. And besides the way I look, I simply feel better these days. I feel lighter and with a little more energy than before. I mean I walked a lot already, that's for sure. But now it's like I'm more of a furnace and when I exercise, I could feel something burn for sure. Good job Arnel. Good job. Now maybe I need to get different pants...

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