Saturday, April 16, 2022

Another Johnnie Day

Today is another Lisa work day, and it does feel like she has been working all week. Lucky for her, it's Johnnie's Spring Break so no issues there. Today though is just a usual Lisa work Saturday but I'm not going to pick up Johnnie and Claire this morning. That's because I have a 7:30 AM dental cleaning appointment myself at Lisa's office. And so I have to get up early anyway and I shaved and showered to boot. Might as well get myself cleaned up right? As far as the cleaning itself, I was definitely due and it felt good to know Sandy my hygienist gave me a clean bill of oral health. And then proceeded to give me a pretty good cleaning. My mouth is good to go. At some point during the cleaning I heard the dog barking and I heard Johnnie's voice. It would seem mom and son got the office a little after 8 AM. I was done by 8:30 and so off we went to the apartment to drop Claire off. Lisa told me she had pooped diarrhea all over her floor and to be careful. What the heck did she feed her now? Anyway I dropped her off anyway, creating barriers so that if she DID poop inside, she could only do it in a very confined space. And then off we went to Elysee to ahve breakfast Johnnie and I. Of course someone over there recognized him. It was one of the behind-the-counter staff who had been there for a while. She remembered seeing Johnnie as a baby and told him that.  And he's here eating the same old thing (see picture). Only this time, he ate most of what I ordered. I ate some of the eggs but I had already juiced me up some celery apple so I was fine. The next thing on the agenda was to get a replacement charger for my Fitbit. It would seem that I had left mine at the hotel in San Diego. Along with my container of shampoo. So much for not leaving anything behind. Oh well, we headed off to Target to get a replacement. But they were out too. And Best Buy wasn't open yet. I guess I get to buy it at Amazon. Hopefully it will get here by tomorrow. I have enough juice in my Fitbit until then I think. It will have to work. What I did get from Amazon today, was an impulse buy from last week. New Balance golf shoes and golf socks to match. Hey why not indulge every once in a while? I have plenty of money don't I? Besides, I'm tired of wearing my Vessi's on the golf course. Last on the agenda this morning was a trip to Sprouts. This new eating pattern I have adopted is more suited to getting fruits, vegetables, and plant-based foods. All found at Sprouts. And so I bought $80 worth of stuff. Not that I even ate any of it for lunch anyway. For that Johnnie and I went to the Century City mall, just like 2 weeks ago. I got Johnnie his usual Panda Express, and I got me some salmon poke from Big Fish Little Fish. Already a pretty good morning when we headed back home. I wish I could have taken a nap like i wanted. But Johnnie was simply too energized and when that kid is in the middle of something, he wants to make sure you are part of the experience. And so I was. Whether it was talking dragons, or swordplay or watching Dragon Riders, I had to be there. And he knew I didn't have to work today either. And that's ok. I reflected on the fact that I have had Johnnie everyday almost for the full day since Tuesday. That's 5 straight days and that hasn't happened in a while. And I'm glad. Lisa gets him tomorrow of course but I was still happy that I got Johnnie for pretty much his entire Spring/Easter break. Even though I was starting to tire myself. I do wonder how single parents do it without a partner to hand off to.  I knew Lisa was going to work until at least 6 PM so Johnnie got pizza and pasta for the 3rd day in a row. I got shrimp over pasta myself. Chickpea pasta that is. Lisa called around 7 PM asking to get a respite and a little time for piano. And so I didn't drop Johnnie off until it was almost 8 PM. By that time, Lisa thought she needed some new dog food since apparently the culprit for Claire's diarrhea was some new dog food that her mom had bought her. Hmmm. And so we did something different. We needed to buy dog food obviously. And so we went to Ralphs Santa Monica to pick it up. And also some breakfast stuff for mom and son since she apparently didn't have any food in the house.  I mean here i am doing a lot of grocery shopping specifically so that Johnnie would have something to eat always. Not Lisa. Those things are not that high on her priority list I guess. Still I bought her stuff for her and when they didn't have the dog food we needed at that Ralphs, I dropped off Lisa and Johnnie and then went to MY Ralphs on National. THERE they had the dog food we wanted to get. And so obviously I bought it and since it was barely 9 PM I just delivered it to Lisa's. And walked in on mom and son making hot chocolate and playing a game of Pokemon. And so it was that I concluded my evening joining them. And even though I now avoid sugar, I still had a little hot cocoa and a little bread and jam just to be sociable. A tiny bit of an outlier from my usual food intake these days isn't going to hurt. And I got to spend my last day with Johnnie with a family event. Lisa didn't plan anything for Easter Sunday tomorrow at her house so this was nice.  My week with Johnnie was done pretty much. And I reflected on how good of a week it turned out to be

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