Saturday, April 2, 2022

Johnnie's Insight; Lisa Being Lisa

I keep telling Lisa that one hour of being fully present with Johnnie makes up for an entire week of grit from the day-to-day stuff we have to deal with what with work and work-related stresses. This morning I'm at her house at 7:30 to pick up Johnnie and almost immediately, Lisa hijacks my morning. One look in her fridge and she is off. She's packing all this food she has not cooked in a week and within 5 minutes, has practically declared that I should go cook it. Of course I thought she was just giving all this food for me to cook for myself. After all, with this new eating pattern I've established for myself for nearly a month now, I welcome all the veggies, the onion, she even gave me half a dozen eggs. And then came the rub. She was expecting me to cook them... FOR HER!! My mistake. Of course I live to serve her HA HA HA. And then in the middle of telling me HOW to fix these vegetables that now I am to cook for her, she got really annoyed and said she was overwhelmed because she was afraid of how I was going to end up cooking the vegetables. It was as clear an example of Lisa terrified of losing control as any. And of ME taking control. But before she could generate into a screaming fit, it was Johnnie...little Johnnie... that sensed she was about to lose it and immediately launched himself into our tension and said "No Yelling".  Maybe it was his voice that snapped Lisa out of it and she went on and about and packed the vegetables again. Drama averted, even if it did take me agreeing to cook those damn vegetables for her. Which I'm going to end up doing this morning just like it was me making those Thanksgiving turkey lunches for her office. So much for our usual morning Johnnie and I. Later on Johnnie would return the favor to me. We were driving home from Target, someone cut me off or was going too slow and I yelled at the driver. Johnnie said..."There is something my parents have in common. They both yell." Man did my heart sink after he said that.  Whether i disagreed with him or not, I DO KNOW kids say what they mean and they do not lie. If that is what he observes, then there has truth in it. It is definitely something I need to work on.
Still today is still my Saturday with Johnnie regardless if Lisa hijacked my morning. And our  lunch too come to think of it. She actually mentioned this morning that we should stop by her office for lunch since her Aunt Gail has a procedure to get done. Of course it's a request I need to fulfill as I always had when I was still married to her. Why I do it now is beyond me I think. And so not only did I cook Lisa's veggies, I took Johnnie and Claire over to her office as well. I had to make a stop at the Century City mall so I could pick up lunch for Johnnie and myself at least. His usual Panda Express lunch and me some tuna poke from Big Fish Little Fish for the second day in a row. Yes it costs $13 but it's a pretty good lunch actually. And when we got to her office, what do we find? Lisa eating lunch already from their usual Panini Cafe takeout. WTF happened to all the food I cooked? What happened to Aunt Gail? Johnnie and I stuck around to have lunch while Lisa had a snap office meeting about hiring a new hygienist. We were an afterthought. Inside, I was shaking my head and just thought it was simply Lisa being Lisa. Unbelievable that I fall for it every single time.  Just as unbelievable that she continues to do it. Every. single. time. At least we had a decent lunch and then off we went back home. And as if to rub it in, I get a text and a call from Dexter while Johnnie and I were out at Target this afternoon. HE was at Lisa's office because his sister was getting a cleaning. Unbelievable. I could have stuck around and caught up with him. But nope, it would seem Lisa didn't have any idea either.  Oh well at least we got to talk to each other for the first time in weeks. Apparently he is now walking around with a bag in which he poops. Yuk. Poor guy. Why can I not do some energy healing on him? Finally when we got home, Johnnie and I got to go back to our Saturday routine. Look at the gif I put up 9f Johnnie with his latest construction project. He kept talking about building this grand structure to augment Claire's cardboard doghouse. I was glad he had something to occupy him for the afternoon. I mean it took him that long to erect it, and less than 3 minutes to take it down later on.  Of course it didn't really work because Claire didn't actually take to the structure and wouldn't even be tempted by the dog food inside. Oh well.  By 5 PM I had made Johnnie a pizza for his dinner and I had heated up some chickpeas in tomato sauce for mine.  And today Lisa did not stick around until almost 10 PM at her office either. She called around and 7 PM actually came to pick up Johnnie.  She even made an invite about us eating the very veggies I cooked for her. HOW does she do that when she KNOWS Johnnie and I eat dinner around 5 no matter what. We do not wait for her. I almost felt bad. So Saturday with Johnnie was done and what did I do? I binge watched. Bridgerton this time. These period pieces get to me too don't they. So much so it was well past midnight when I stopped watching. Damn. So much for a rested Sunday morning golf.

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