Monday, April 25, 2022

Not Exactly A Usual Monday

If this were a normal Monday, I'd get up early, get Lisa Johnnie's Daily Pass, do some meditation and then do my morning walk to 5000 steps. But of course this isn't a usual Monday. In this different reality, I woke up with Johnnie still asleep on the couch. First thought I had was that Johnnie will be sleeping on that couch for the last time. That's because the new sofa sleeper is coming today! Second thought I had was that I hope he tests negative today. Yes I was anxious to test him for Covid again. After all, it has been 3 days. I know, I know, it's probably a little too soon. But the boy shows absolutely no symptoms.  Clearly the dad is simply anxious. And when I break that down, it's just that I don't want Johnnie to miss Spring Sing on Friday. I really really wish that he goes. So I did test him this morning. My heart sank. He tested positive still. That's what I get for being too anxious. Sigh. Officially though, he has to get tested tomorrow morning.  Hopefully, THAT will come out negative. In the meantime, I did some meditation to clear my anxieties and stuff. If everything is in the mind, I need some work to do. And since Johnnie is with me this morning, I am DETERMINED to still do 5000+ steps by 10 AM, just so I can make 15,000 steps today. Having Johnnie with me shouldn't affect that. Besides, I have those 2 activities going on in the morning around the couch. Better to get it done early. And so it was that right after I took Claire out to poop and pee, I did my walk. Johnnie was still asleep. It was the perfect time. And so before it was even 7:30, I got to 5000 steps and 61 Active Minutes. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself. And I still got meditation and morphic field audios done too. All before breakfast. I did my celery juice, made Johnnie his sourdough and bacon and THEN we took a shower. And we were ready for the day, all before 8:30 AM. Ready for what today you say? Well I do have timecards to do, though really I got all those done by then. I had HRSA Survey due but that was done yesterday too. First thing is to wait for the guys to pick up the couch. Still I do have to say it's cool to still be working from home and I am grateful for that. How else could I have had a chance to look after Johnnie AND oversee the old couch being taken and a new one being delivered? I would have had to take the day off normally. Errands Day I would have had to call it. 
That couch served me well if I do say so myself. The first thing I bought when I realized I was moving out of Maplewood. I spent many a time sleeping on that couch while watching TV. But I needed to get a sleeper couch for Johnnie since he's getting bigger and I don't want to share beds anymore. And so I got the same exact couch, but WITH a sleeper. It cost me $220 to get the old couch hauled away too. Since we were on the first floor and I had already moved the couch towards the door, it was an eezy-peezy move. Took all of 10 minutes. And then the robo-vacuum cleaner cleaned where it used to be. Even Johnnie hugged the couch goodbye and waved to it as the guys who came to get it were wheeling it out to their truck outside.  Next up? The new couch. That came around lunchtime. Another eezy-peezy move actually. I paid for the guys to assemble it, which meant simply putting the wooden feet on. I know I know, I did pay another $110 to get that done, but really why not? The thing was I didn't realize the sleeper was so huge. Look at the pic with Johnnie on it later on before he went to bed! It's as big as my bed. And takes up most of the living room. But now JOhnnie has a bed. And he even started marking the area as his room. He even put up a sign signifying as much LOL.  And so there we have it, new big purchases all done. And I still have more than $40K in the checking account. In CASH! YES! The rest of the day Johnnie did EPIC books. We reverted back to when he was home schooling during last year's pandemic and he was doing online classes. I forget sometimes that really it has only been a year since they went back to school in person. A year ago I was still picking him up at lunchtime with a sign LOL. Today I really REALLY wish he were back in school. He is bouncing off walls when he gets bored. I can't play with him physically, or at least I'm not supposed to lest I pick the virus up. But there's no chance of that. Not in my mind. As I said he is asymptomatic.  I don't want him watching TV all day either. So I have to work to keep him occupied. And still do my job. But it is a Monday and most of my work had been done already.  I just had to answer emails and posts and such. AND I am happy to report that by the end of the evening, I was at 15,400 steps AND 145 active minutes. Just like last week. I didn't let being with Johnnie affect me. And Lisa even called to check in and she sounded as rested as she had ever been actually. Talk about getting my time with Johnnie. It's like he's on vacation with me LOL. We did our usual things still. Chicken strips from Jack-in-the-box at lunch, spaghetti and pizza for him for dinner. Spaghetti for me too, but lentil spaghetti and Beyond meat meatballs LOL. And for me, a whole lot of listening to morphic fields. At least this gets me to research what the best ones are for me and the sequence in which to listen to them. I was tired when I went to bed. Could be those audios working on my subconscious right? We'll see about results. First result I want to see immediately? A negative Johnnie covid test tomorrow. We'll see what happens.

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