Monday, April 4, 2022

Energy Is Off Today

I woke up to start the brand new week and noticed right away that my mind was wandering. Usually I'd wake up early, get Lisa's daily pass all done and sent, and then start my meditation practice. I started to do image cycling. And noticed right away that I was being pulled from the present.  I tried to focus on having as easy a week as I did last week. And simply couldn't shake traces of anxiousness. About what I'm not even sure. I never could get centered. And so I decided to just get outside and start my steps. Do a reprise on walking to Whole Foods, getting my juice and then walking back. At least getting to 5000 steps will make me feel better. Instead I noticed that my energy was really off this morning. As in I did NOT feel like walking around. I felt cold and I simply did not have any pep in my step. I was having trouble getting my heart rate past 100 in fact. What in heck is happening? Fortunately, I did get to WF, I did get my juice, and after FINALLY getting warmed up, I noticed that my energy was going up. My vibration was going up. And then I went home, reveled at least in the fact that I already had 5000 steps and 45 active minutes under my belt and it was barely 8:30 AM. I took a shower and started feeling much better. And then I started to get pulled back to negativity. An email from 1 person from work I hated hearing from. Starlette, the new Director of Development. She was bugging about updating a dashboard. I almost reacted but I at least refrained from doing so. I contacted James, set up a meeting with him, stewed that he didn't bother to attend it, and then realized he was off today. And then I get a call from Mar Vista that Johnnie was tardy this morning. What the heck? I sent Lisa a text to find out what happened. I HATE it that she gets late. It doesn't happen often, but why does it have to happen at all. Better question: why is it bugging me so much? Why Is SHE bugging me so much? When I felt off physically, and I mean my urinary tract felt like there was something going on, I KNEW this was an energetic thing. And I needed to find a way to raise my vibration.  I had some of the channa for lunch and then decided to bombard myself with healing frequencies, with more visualizations, and I actually had a nice powernap in the afternoon.
I was ready to chill until I was going to pick up Johnnie at Lisa's house. And she wanted to bring him to her soccer game still. Since she had a late game, that meant I wouldn't pick him up until late either. Until Lisa changed it with a phone call. She was too tired to pick up Johnnie it seemed. She was asking me to pick him up from school. After this morning's conversation where she did explain how flustered she was from trying to do a dozen things and simply lost track of the time for Johnnie, i wasn't surprised. She gets on overwhelm every now and again. This morning was probably an example of how it happens. I was happy to pick up Johnnie actually. And since Lisa requested that we have dinner at her house <though I'm not even sure why since she was going to be occupied with the guy fixing her sprinkler system... see? Always something going on>. Instead, I tried to be a team player. I picked up Johnnie, took us both to Mitsuwa so I could get him some udon and I could get me some yellowfin tuna to sear and eat. I knew FOR SURE she wouldn't have any food that I could eat. And she would offer whatever she had and I wouldn't like it and it would piss her off. At least me bringing my own food puts things on even terms. And I can eat SOMETHING. All of this I"m just writing off to part of the other-than-positive energy for the day. I will find a way to recover when I get home later. As it was, I took Claire back to the apartment. Finished my steps (I ended up 16000+ for the 2nd Monday in a row) and just counted my blessings that at least I have my own corner to go find some peace in. I had this thought that half the time I felt irritation towards Lisa is that I had to wait for her. ALL THE TIME. She would never really be present. She stopped doing that with me long ago. Right about the time her practice started growing. Kind of like on Saturday when Johnnie and I came to have lunch with her. But she wasn't really present. And that's ok. That's just Lisa being Lisa yet again. I picked up Johnnie at the soccer field around 8:30. And it was already close to his bedtime when we got to the apartment. That's ok. Now we get the next 3 days together and I am hopeful I shrug off this negative energy. It will be ok.

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