Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Recovery Day For Everybody?

Today the theme seems to be RECOVERY DAY, which meant that the tangible dip in energy yesterday was pretty real. I do note that I still managed almost 17000 steps, which would have been a PR. And I managed 150 active minutes, longest I've done in a really long time too. Physically I feel good this morning. And I felt good knowing that all I have to do today is to work on my presentation for Town Hall tomorrow. And since we're tracking priorities, today is Picture Day for Johnnie and I had to make sure he was ready for that. Not a big deal really, I just had to make sure he wasn't running around until mid-day when his pictures would be taken. Harder than it sounds when Bailey, Brooklyn's sister is chasing him down. But I think he managed to stay kempt the whole day. Today it got warmer quickly too, so changes are afoot there as well although with the focus on getting my presentation done, I didn't even make it out of the apartment again until after lunch. I also did get my TEam Meetng done, and had a special meeting with my data analyst James who I finally got to update one of the enrollment dashboards. I don't care usually but I really only pay special attention just to get certain people off my back. And they turn out to be the same people. These days, the bugs are Dr Liao and Starlette Abad. I must have said something to one of them because Eloisa pings me on chat asking me how I was holding up. Nothing different on the workfront really. I will SO LOOKING FORWARD when my accounts have reached a critical mass enough for me to live off dividends from them. I remind myself that I now have a year of income to live off of just in case I am let go tomorrow. More than a year in fact, since I am also sitting on almost 9 weeks of vacation pay I hadn't taken. And that is already to simply match what I am bringing in NET. That would allow me to be financially comfortable to say the least. And I am LOOKING FORWARD to that. Would I get bored learning new things online then picking up Johnnie from school? I don't think so. 
And so it was that I had a working day today. Got all my deliverables done by 4 PM and I still had time to chill and watch some TV in the middle of the day. I also did manage to enjoy the warming trend at the end of the day too. However, one person that did NOT like the warming trend was Johnnie. I picked him up from school and he was noticeably walking slower than usual, as if he was missing his usual pep. He didn't want to go to Panda Express either although he did say he was hungry. He happily settled for penne chicken noodle and the leftover chicken Lisa made me take home last night. Works for me, I figured we'd have even more time to do reviews and stuff for his classes and his Spanish session tomorrow. But he did not have his usual energy. He was yawning quite a bit too. My thought was that perhaps he too is recovering from whatever he and Lisa did this past weekend. Still. After all, Lisa herself was tired yesterday. And so Johnnie too is part of the low energy vibration that seemed to have been going around. And i was perfectly happy to let him recover. I even strapped the Healy device on him to see if it helped. And had him listen to binaural beats. Those affected him alright. As in he HATED the high pitch. Do kids have a different hearing range maybe? Do they hear what we adults hear? He was very uncomfortable. So much so I had to stop after a few minutes and all I did was play RIFE frequencies for a headache, which he was complaining about. The Healy wasn't much better I don't think although I'm not sure he even sensed something different going on. Are kids sensitive to electric microcurrents more than adults are? More questions LOL, although I did read that the device was perfectly safe for kids. The simplest answer is that Johnnie is indeed recovering from something and far more likely it is something he did over the weekend after I dropped him off on Saturday. Which means all he needs is sleep. We all do I guess. I put him down early tonight. I barely kissed him goodnight and he was already out like a light. Me too actually. I put on the Healy for myself and didn't even make it through the 52 minute session. The beeping at the end of the session woke me up. Recovery day all around...

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