Monday, April 18, 2022

Start of Another Week

All that time spent on the couch yesterday afternoon just looking at internal work video after internal work video and I'm almost getting lost since I keep finding new ones to do. I think I'm going to have to do some curating pretty soon and categorizing so that I can settle on some kind of regimen. OR I can just say f** it and do what feels right and what feels good. On that note, I woke up pretty refreshed this morning although I noted I did get up a couple of times last night to pee and the metric I'm going to use to feel healthy is that I don't have to get up at night to pee and when I do get up, pee comes out nice and free and strong without any feeling of pause. In the meantime I did settle on some nice meditation this morning and got out and about to do the Monday morning walk before 8 AM. Halfway through, Lisa dropped by and dropped off the dog and supposedly she is already pooping solid and feeling much better. I had really good energy this morning and by 8:30 I had 5000+ steps AND 50 active minutes. FEels like 15000 steps and 140 active minutes should be a breeze today. Not that those were the goals, but those have been the marks I've hit over the last few Mondays. Why not keep it going. It was also a nice day out first thing and the selfie I took verifies and acknowledges that. I looked forward to another sort of short week, since we're having the Employee Celebration on Friday. AND I look forward to seeing Johnnie's class for the first time while he does his animal project on Thursday.  AND while I'm image cycling, I so look forward to retiring off dividends where I don't have to work anymore, at least not if I choose not to. TO that end, I did some affirmations that it is OK not to have to trade my time for money anymore. It is perfectly fine to have my money work for me and that I pay myself the same net salary I get now. All I need do is accept and allow it and the getting to the critical mass in order to be able to do that will be clear. This thought was further strengthened watching a Kevin O'Leary video (Mr Nice Guy from Shark Tank), the guy I like least on that panel and he's talking about living within your means, and saving and investing and that is precisely what my plan had been anyway. He's also talking a lot about BITCOIN and CRYPTO. Hmmm. Could THAT be the path I need to work on and learn. Lots to learn to be sure.
In the meantime, I still had work to do. I also took to heart a video from Jeffrey Allen. Transition now to making your job your hobby and your hobby your primary means of income. But I still need to put time into this "hobby". Just not all of my time. I need to focus. And today I worked on my presentation for Communications Meeting AND Tech Council Meeting on Wednesday. And tried to get caught up with a lot of pending stuff I let go last week. Hey I was on vacation. Even a vendor that texted me about something due got under my skin. That is the part I need to work on. No REACTING. That's just the Universe testing my resolve. I did more meditation right around lunch time and I knocked off from theta to a nice nap that lasted an entire hour. I'm not complaining about that at all.  In fact, a couple of more videos has me focused on the premise that everything starts from thought, and the observer is the point of causality and reality, then is it that easy to simply observe my own health in order to get to that point? That's the idea isn't it.  Anyway, I was  pretty centered for the rest of the day until Lisa came to pick up Claire around 4:15. It was her day off yet she worked. She didn't see patients but she did dental stuff WITH patients at specialists, including her dad. Yeah, she worked. No wonder she's yawning and looked tired. At least she was back in time to pick up Johnnie. I went over there after my dinner though all I had was the chana stuff. I would pick up a Beyond Burger from Carl's Jr later on and ate that without the bread. Still had a lot of mayo though. Gotta figure out what to do about that. Otherwise it was just like the Veggie Grill Beyond Burger I had last week. And filled me up just fine. I picked up Johnnie at the Santa Monica field and by then it was already almost 8:30 PM. I had to let him watch Dragon Riders though, just so he could have some semblance of routine. And it was still 9:15 when I packed him up for bed and kissed him goodnight. I didn't go right off to sleep myself. I watched an episode of The ENDGAME. I don't know what about that show has suckered me into watching. But now it just lulled me to sleep. Thought I'd do that instead of listening to frequencies this evening. And I was out shortly. 

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