Monday, April 11, 2022

Monday On A Vacation Week

Today is a very short week for me. Johnnie and I are headed to San Diego tomorrow first thing. He is already so excited he had apparently annoyed Lisa talking about it so much. I'm excited too as I would not only take some much needed time away from work, but I also get to spend at least 2 full days overnight with Johnnie. Still not close to the multiple weeks that Lisa takes with him. But I will take what I can when I can. So why am I working today? Why didn't I just take the entire week off? Because I'm a workaholic that's why. Not to the degree that Lisa is but workaholic enough. Besides, Johnnie is with Lisa all day today so we couldn't take off for San Diego anyway. Still, before i even woke up today I had already finished my time card approves and I had already finished the HRSA report due tomorrow. This was all I was going to do for the morning. Which freed me up to focus on my steps and my meditation routine. The latter I did when I woke up. For my steps, I walked all the way to Mar vista Park and threw in some pull-ups on the apparatus there. I did 8. I could have done more but I would have strained. And something tells me I'm already going to feel those 8 by tomorrow. And so by the time I got back, it was only 8:30 AM, I had 5000 steps logged and 44 active minutes. I should have jumped in the shower. But for some reason I had it in my mind to clean up around the apartment. If I'm going to be gone for the next 3 days, wouldn't it be nice to have a clean apartment to come home to? Especially since there wouldn't be Claire around all week too?  And so this morning I cleaned up the kitchen and the bathroom floors. I let the robot vacuum do its thing and then I mopped up the floors after that. Voila. The floors are clean! I realize the kitchen is going to be much harder to keep clean since I"m now juicing a lot. And that's ok. And so having done quite a bit already was I done for the morning? Not quite. I had to do the Director's Meeting. I do think this meeting has value. But Cynthia is trying to lead it and can sometimes be inflexible and stubborn. And then there's Starlette who definitely likes to show how polished and smart she is. She keeps bringing up a charter. I'm all for doing this the project management way. But that is not sustainable as we have found since it is not in our culture. But I will let her find that out on her own. I brush off my own thoughts and feelings of impatience and simply let people go the directions they go. After all, what do I really care except for being off the rest of the week?? 
And so finally after lunch I could think about the trip to San Diego. I had already done the hotel reservations and bought the tickets to San Diego Zoo and Legoland. And so all i had to really do was to print all of the above. And I also managed to follow up all the stuff I needed to <I think>. Last thing that I had to do was rally my troops. I had to tell the IS Team about Noriel since he seemed to be reluctant about letting them know what is happening with him. And that is ok. I'm concerned about them for the next 2 days since Noriel and I are the backbone of the infrastructure stuff. And so first things first, was that i sent healing thoughts to Noriel this morning for my meditation session. And then I sent some positive energy for my team that while I'm gone <and beyond? everything is handled easily and that there are no serious issues. And when I met with the team this afternoon, they seemed to be ok stepping up. I had a separate meeting with Kennedy who was also ok to help and do more. I'm just thanking my stars I kept him. He can help for sure. And so with that I got to 15,000 steps before it was even 5 PM. And I already had 130+ active minutes. I'm all good to go for today. The only thing left was to pack for tomorrow since we're heading out first thing to bypass traffic AND to wait until the go-sign to pick up Johnnie. That wouldn't come until later. Apparently Lisa had spent the day catching up with Nikki and took Johnnie with him. I do not envy the negative energy dump Nikki would be getting today and I hope Lisa considers she is talking to a new mom completely focused on her baby instead of bending her ear too much about what is happening at her office. Of course women are different about those things and I'm sure Nikki has far higher tolerance than I do. And so Lisa ended up dropping Johnnie off around 7:30 PM and with that she clocked out and I clocked in. Of course Johnnie had some stuff he wanted to bring with him and then I finally was able to pack. Monday all done and in the middle of my Healy session before going to bed, I imagined how much fun Johnnie and I are going to have the next couple of days. THAT puts a smile on my face. I fell asleep in the middle of my session. Only the beeping of the Healy after it finished woke me back up so I could go right back to sleep. I am officially on vacation.

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