Wednesday, April 13, 2022

At Legoland, visiting Aunt Grace

So Day 2 we're off to Legoland. Hard to believe we were just here around Thanksgiving.  Doesn't seem all that long ago. This morning though we did something different. We hung out at the lobby of the Legoland hotel where they had Lego stations, even a Lego pirate ship. And I let Johnnie play there before we were supposed to go in to the park at 10 AM. And then when we did get in, it was way different than Thanksgiving. There were a lot more people around today. And so I knew right away we would be spending a lot of time waiting. And so we judiciously picked off the rides we wanted to do early. The boat cruise. The boat races - 2 of them in fact. The cars where Johnnie gets to have a license. All that before lunch. And then after lunch, we did the helicopter ride, and then of course the tall slide. He spent about an hour there. All in all it was a long day and when we left at 4 PM, I think Johnnie got his money's worth. I'm not going to say much except post pictures. And then afterwards, we went to Grace's to have dinner with them. Johnnie got to talk to Maia too. And my mom. So we got to catch up and it was all good. Johnnie and I knocked off before 9 PM we were that tired. 

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