Sunday, April 24, 2022

No Golf Sunday

I had already cancelled golf last Friday just as soon as I knew Johnnie would be quarantining with me. Eh it's Sunday anyway. Johnnie I'm sure is used to sleeping in and waking up God knows whenever. This morning I let him sleep in and HE woke me up at 7 AM. What to do with this kid all day? Sadly, I can't really do anything fun outside, or at least anywhere where there is a lot of people. Though by my observation there is nothing wrong with this kid. He woke up with a 'Good Morning Dad!' Hey that's something I don't hear at all on a Sunday morning. This morning I played it hour by hour. First breakfast. He asked for a croissant. Luckily I did have one and I buttered it up, gave him the last of the strawberries AND a couple of pieces of bacon. And voila: breakfast. For me, I decided to take a break from the juice routine and instead made myself a couple of eggs scrambled. AND a hot green tea just for kicks. Just to do something different. And then instead of getting Johnnie glued in front of the TV, I made him read some books on EPIC, the platform we got used to last year when he was doing kindergarten online. I mean I myself got used to Cat Ninja and the Bright Family. That used to be my go-to when I needed to kill an hour at least. And so it was that Johnnie spent the morning with Cat Ninja while I... I, pretty much lazied around on my bed doing morphic fields and working on my subconscious. By all accounts, that and the image cycling by Bengston would be the most effective ways I could manifest what I want. Mind you the fact that I'm sitting up in bed on my new MacAir doing internal work is ALREADY some kind of manifestation I think. The routine was obviously to go golfing but somehow I'm thinking right here right now is as much a part of a grand plan that I got to work out in my favor. When Johnnie got bored of Cat Ninja, I let him go back to Dragon Riders. And we checked in on his mom via FaceTime. You can't say I don't think of her. If it were me, I would be missing Johnnie terribly. But from what I observed, it seemed like she was preoccupied with some project. Or maybe some conversation. And although she was happy to see Johnnie, it didn't seem like she missed him that badly. In fact, it felt like she welcomed a Sunday away from Johnnie too. Funny how that worked out LOL.
What WAS missing, what we WERE missing was a perfectly beautiful April Sunday outside. It was warm but not too warm, at least not after mid-day. I decided Johnnie and i had had enough of getting cooped up inside. So we went to the Century City mall, not only to pick up his Panda Express lunch, but also because I had purchased some shorts from Old Navy and to save on shipping, I did a pick-up-at-store thing at the mall. EEzy-peezy we were in and out of there inside of 30 minutes really. And back home where Johnnie ate his teriyaki chicken and I made myself a piece of salmon. AND a cauliflower crust pizza with cheese alternative. And pineapple. I'm really getting the hang of this vegan/pescatarian way of eating. Not quite 2 months yet and it already feels like I can sustain it for a while. What I don't like is that I have to cook more which means I have to wash dishes more too. Maybe I should be putting my dishwasher to better use huh? Anyway I spent the entire afternoon lazing around my bed. Not that it would have been any different had I played golf this morning, I would have just been lazing in front of the TV on my couch instead. But this time I kept up with the subconscious work and we will see what happens after a few days of this. I still did manage to watch the Dodger game on my iPad so you see it wasn't like I didn't have access to the usual entertainment. Just that I also had to have an eye and an ear on what Johnnie was doing in the living room. He went from Dragon Riders, back to Pokemon. I'm not sure the Pokemon thing is any more positive than Dragon Riders actually. Humans and non-humans navigating a world of superpowers. I guess that's really no different than the Avengers isn't it LOL. Anyway by late afternoon it started to feel no different than a regular week day with Johnnie. Dinner: penne pasta in chicken noodle broth. More fish for me. More Pokemon for Johnnie until it was time to get him to bed. In the middle of the afternoon, his new pajama bottom came which meant he no longer had to do the way-too-short pajamas he had been wearing for more than a year.  And his black pants came too. I am determined to get him to do Spring Sing. All good. When he went to bed, I stayed up. Doing more subconscious stuff. And doing work. Yep, work. the HRSA survey. Timecards. A different reality starts tomorrow. One with my job at QueensCare still in it. And that's ok. For a while longer.

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