Thursday, April 7, 2022

A Quick Thursday

As opposed to yesterday, I expected today to be pretty uneventful. And it was for the most part. We got up, we got breakfast, I dropped Johnnie off at school, he ran off with Brooklyn, I chit-chatted with Brooklyn's grandma. I realize that the kids are going to be off all next week for Spring Break and so I actually relished dropping Johnnie off at school all week.  And then this morning, instead of going to Whole Foods, I made my own celery-apple-carrot juice at home. Turned out pretty good too. And it was quieter than I thought it would be. THIS I can do every morning. This being a Thursday, and nothing on my schedule other than my own TEAM Meetings, I figured it would be a chill kind of day. A good thing too because after I got done with all my meetings and realized it was already noon and lunchtime, I ventured outside and noticed how warm it was. As in downright hot actually. Summer hot. Heat wave hot. Upper 80s to be sure. That was ok though, gave me an excuse to stay indoors. Even doing my steps, I did them downstairs in the garage where it was much cooler. In the meantime, without actually realizing it I noticed I now had sort of a prostate regimen and an image cycling regimen. The prostate regimen really was more out of the frustration of not seeing my PSA number drop and instead increase the other day, though I need someone to explain to me how it could go up a point in a month. Still if that is the benchmark then it is one more number I'm trying to get to. (the low one that is). I realize it's all numbers. Blood pressure is a number. I have a retirement Magic Number. And while all are still numbers, I do know that the subconscious communicates with symbols and feelings and that I what I need my visualizations to distill to.
So this being a Thursday I was basically ready to tank the afternoon, except... I kept getting pinged from work. Someone needs that, Dr Liao still with that MHLA Behavioral Health thing. How do I explain to the guy we don't know how to pull that data. I remind myself that is simply the Universe testing my patience level. Fortunately, 4:30 couldn't have come any sooner today and I did not waste any time picking up Johnnie. Spanish class you know. Today Hayil started with words in the alphabet. Johnnie made it to the LETTER E. Elefante LOL. We had to battle some issues with our internet connection. And then towards the end of the lesson, the smoke alarm came in. My pizza in the oven was making smoke I guess. Maybe it's because the crust is cauliflower and the cheese was pretend cheese. I'm sure these things burned or heated up faster than the regular stuff. Oh well, I still made Johnnie and I some pretty good pizzas. The surprise was that Lisa called at 6 PM on her way back from piano lessons in Pasadena. Gonna be an early pick up tonight. Funny, when she is late I get annoyed. Today I was a little unhappy that my night with Johnnie is cut shorter than usual. He clearly would rather watch Dragon Riders until bedtime which I allow him most nights. But a routine is a routine and I reminded myself that it wasn't all that long ago that I would drop Johnnie off at the music conservatory and be home by 6:30. That was what happened tonight. Lisa picked up Johnnie by 6:30 and I had an early night to myself. What did I do with this evening? I kept doing my visualization regimen, got started with my Healy session pretty early. I could have done a little more work. I'm behind on a few things. Man I cannot wait until I have amassed enough critical massive to live off of and I don't have to work anymore. Wouldn't that be SWEET!

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