Wednesday, April 6, 2022

A Busy Day, A Relaxed Evening

This day started out to be busy, what with another Town Hall going on first thing at 8:30. That meant I had to drop off Johnnie, shown in the pic walking in with Brooklyn and Bailey. I barely had enough time to get my juice at Whole Foods and get back in front of the computer before the panelists convened at 8:15. After all, it was fairly eezy-peezy. And of course when the Town Hall got done, I figured to be cruising for the rest of the day. I took advantage of having an early start to drive down to the FRB this morning and check out my crew and check out who was working there. As it was it was still a skeleton Business Services crew but at least there were people there. It was good to see old faces from some of the guards that had been working there since we moved in 8 years ago. I hadn't seen some of those faces in 2 years. When I made it in, I took a little time to sit in my old office and put up my feet (see pic). I was in the office for all of 15 minutes really. I got to see my newest hire Sheng in person for the first time. Really I was only there to drop off Eloisa's computer and to make sure it was wiped properly. While there I got a message from the Doctor at Forward. My PSA test result came in. It came in at 6.9. THAT WAS HIGHLY DISAPPOINTING. It was 5.6 just a month ago. I was so sure my new diet patterns and supplements and the Healy sessions would bring the score down significantly. Instead it went up. What the hell? I tried to fight off the frustration, confusion and irritation and rationally tried to get back in balance. Do I have something to be concerned about? Yes the number is high, but do I get concerned when my BP starts off at 140/100 some days? The answer is not really. Now more than ever I want to focus on healing. What is my body trying to tell me? The realization that dietary changes were in order and that I can't eat like I'm 30 years old hit me fast but then yielded immediate results. I guess I was expecting the same here. And maybe that is a little too optimistic. Maybe I still need a little bit of time to heal. What I do know is that I need to continue doing what I'm doing with the diet, and maybe find out what else I need to do. Obviously I'm missing something. That I will need to research. All this means is that it's a setback and I need to address it squarely. I need to learn how to tap into my body's inner Intelligence. I need to learn to heal myself. That I will promise to do. 
So as disappointed as I was with the PSA test result, no need to get bummed about it either. I went to California baja tacos like I did last week and got me some fish and ceviche for lunch. And started doing research in earnest about the prostate and how to reduce it. This is simply another test I'm thinking. A test of my resolve to embrace my beliefs on the energy body and to take the next step in learning how to create the reality that I want. Before long it was 4:30 already. Time to pick up Johnnie. Tonight we were headed to Lisa's office. Another different thing about today. Lisa had asked to participate some with Johnnie's Spanish lessons, no doubt jealous that all of that was happening with me alone. I didn't mind actually. Johnnie seemed excited to do it in fact. And so it was that we got to the office and Lisa is immediately embroiled in some drama with her office staff. So much so, I thought she was going to miss the class entirely. Sigh. Lisa being Lisa. At least she did manage to peak in and catch the last 8 minutes of the class. Enough time to see how well Johnnie was doing I thought. He really did do great today.  And then afterwards, we were going to walk to Panda Express to get Johnnie his dinner. Lisa decided to take a break and join us. And then when I saw a poke place across the street at the Olympic connection, casually mentioned I am now eating a lot of poke, Lisa also mentioned she wouldn't mind eating there tonight. And so it was that we had a spontaneous family dinner. Johnnie with his Panda Express chicken, Lisa and I sharing a 3 scoop poke. It actually felt pleasant tonight. A reminder of times when we could still have a pleasant evening together not on anyone's terms. Lisa mentioned as much on our walk back actually. She not only got to have a break and eat a decent dinner, she got to spend time with Johnnie too. She felt good about that. And then we got home, we could go back to the usual Wednesday night with the Dragon Rescue Riders. And for me, a conversation with Dexter on the phone about more details on his condition. He is dealing with far more than I am obviously. What happened to him was extreme in my opinion. And obviously I want to avoid extreme. I will work on that. No more irritation and fear. Just tap into Universal Intelligence. That's what I am going to keep working on and trying to master. I'm all good.

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