Friday, April 8, 2022

Not A Tank Friday

This being a Friday and all, I was hoping for a nice, quiet Tank Friday. I even got a nice start to the day with my meditation and visualization practice.  I felt still and centered and I felt connected to my Higher Self, Source, Superconscious, I haven't settled on what to call it just yet. All of the above LOL. By the time I opened my eyes, it was already nearly 8 AM and 5 minutes from then, Lisa called to drop off Claire. I noticed it was already hot. Not warm. Hot. It felt like a normal summer day although it's still the first part of April. The reason I can't call this a TANK DAY was because I kept getting tugs from work from mid-morning on.  Beginning with Eloisa asking for the management report which was due today anyway. But she wanted it by noon. That took care of my morning to be sure. I felt myself getting pulled towards more internal work. But I had to buckle down and focus and actually get my report done. I was done in plenty of time to be sure, got it in by 11 AM. And then I felt like I could just tank a little. I made myself a shrimp salad for lunch and just chilled on the couch, really just avoiding the heat outside. Although I ended up heading out anyway to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. That's when I really felt the heat. My seats were really hot. As in, I had to pull my butt a little. And I could barely keep my hands on the steering wheel. All the faux leather was burning. At Trader Joe's I found this cauliflower bread substitute. Sort of like a thin piece of bread. And then I found this all nut butter which looked healthy. Why am I focusing on this? Because I seemed to have found a peanut butter sandwich substitute. Looks like peanut butter on a pancake to be sure LOL. But didn't I used to have many a quickie breakfast just slapping peanut butter on Hawaiian bread? It wasn't bad either. Other than it had absolutely no sweetness to it, I could make it work. I am actually surprised I haven't given in to my sweet tooth so far. It's a good sign that this thing is sustainable. By 3 PM, I was still getting pinged on stuff. A contract that needed my approval. Our cybersecurity insurance needing renewal. Heck I've got my own contracts that I need to push through. I remind myself that next week when I'm on vacation is a test about how much or how little I can be reached. And actually I'm very much looking forward to the time off. Anyway today I'm supposed to pick up Johnnie and immediately drop him off to Lisa's office because her last patient is Yvette and her kids (Tim Hunsciker's family). Last time we had an outing with them, Lisa and I were still married. So it was maybe 4 years ago. Today it is obviously just mommy and son going. And so I picked up Johnnie at school and then dropped him off. They were all ready to go by the time we got there. So really I only saw Johnnie for the 10 minutes of transit time. And still that was ok with me. Lisa works tomorrow so I get to see him for at least half the day then. And then there's still next week. In the meantime, I made me salmon and ate the rest of the chickpeas with tomato sauce in the fridge. A full meal it turned out to be. And since I really just let my steps go pretty much the entire day, I caught up in the evening. I only got to 40 active minutes but I did manage 10700 steps by the time I was done.  Friday is sort of my favorite day because I don't really get to work all that hard if at all, today being the exception obviously. I get to see Johnnie now that Lisa works, even if it's just 10 minutes like today, and I still have the entire weekend to look forward to. Today also just happened to be Opening Day for the Dodgers. The start of the Major League season is upon us. This signifies that we are smack dab in the middle of spring and that summer is already starting to wake up, as if the hot temperatures of today didn't let us know that already. The Dodgers won today. A lot of faces no longer with them. No more Corey Seager, no more Kenley Jansen. But there are new faces too. One thing about being a pro team in Los Angeles. You had better be ready to compete for a championship. Not just win, but win a championship. This start of the season makes up a bit for the indignity of the mighty Lakers not even making the play-offs. Talk about a stunner. They were favored to contend for a championship this year, if not to win it outright. They played like shit all year, they did not look like a team at all, and they couldn't defend. not the Lakers we are familiar with. Hopefully next year they make it up to us. The Russell Westbrook trade turned out to be a gigantic mistake.  But like all mistakes, those things can be undone. Now we'll have to wait for an offseason to find out if it does. And so it was that this Friday turned out to be quiet. I sort of fell asleep on the couch doing Healy sessions and that was ok. The weekend is here.

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