Friday, April 22, 2022

Johnnie Quarantine Day 1

With Johnnie getting COVID, everything obviously changes. So much for my day at the Employee party. I am now quarantined with Johnnie at home for at least the weekend. First I needed to check if I was good. And I got myself tested. NEGATIVE. I'm all good. Next was to make sure Johnnie had at least something to eat when he woke up. The thing about today was that I'm usually depleted of supplies for him and I had no fruit, almost no milk left, no bread. I did have some oatmeal leftover from over a month ago the last time he sort of had the stomach flu and threw up all over my bathroom. He ate a little and then when I played him some Sapien Medicine stuff (specific to viruses and even the C-virus) he fell right back asleep. I wanted to hug my boy so bad, but I knew I had better be careful. I put all kinds of hand sanitizers all over just so I can make sure to keep somewhat sterile. And then I went on to the business of notifying the school. I knew it was going to be a big-ish deal. We would always get these memos from Principal Choe about someone testing positive. Who knew today it would be Johnnie. With notifying the school came having the District call me to ask for details, presumably so they can contact trace. It turned out that Johnnie would sleep through the entire morning and that's a good thing. His body needs to heal. In the meantime, i guess I get to... WORK LOL.  Stuff I need to get caught up with anyway. I literally have nothing else to do. Well, except to line up some morphic energy audios to listen to. These are the new things I discovered. I've been doing binaural beats and isochronic tones for years but this is different in terms of energetics. This is all about channeling energies and transmitting them through sound waves. I just started learning about them and doing them and we will see how they work. I would certainly love to unlock whatever I need to in order to make these healing frequencies work on my supposedly enlarged prostate. Anyway, Johnnie would wake up around lunchtime and naturally he's a hungry. But clearly not 100% just yet. I gave him some penne chicken broth and a soft boiled egg. Hopefully he holds that down. And then I told him it was ok to simply watched videos for the rest of the afternoon. The first step is to make sure he is getting better. So far so good. He hadn't broken 99 on the thermometer all day and I had been checking while he was asleep. So at least he doesn't have a fever. In the meantime, I also started to play with my new MAC. Not only do I need to get used to the thing, there are a lot of new programs I get to check out. Still not quite a Windows computer, but to simply be plugged in to the QC network and the environment I built, it is plenty adequate. I bet it can even connect to EPIC. Also in the spirit of NOTHING HAPPENS AT RANDOM and EVERYTHING IS ME PUSHED OUT, I have to mull over Johnnie and Covid. Why him and why now? On the surface I could just say Lisa was clearly once again focused on dis-ease and so that would be an easy mirror. And then again there is my dynamic with her. I became aware that the ego-control aspect within me got activated yet again. I wanted him to be at school tomorrow so I could go to the employee party. Lisa seemed to be going the opposite direction... as in he should stay home never mind what I had planned. She wins. Johnnie got COVID. No doubt about what to do then. And then I asked myself... is it really about who wins and who loses? Maybe I need to learn to put my controlling Self aside and just go with the flow. After all, I also 'wished' to bond more with Johnnie didn't I? I'm going to bond with him now that is FOR SURE. The earliest he could go back to school is Wednesday. He is stuck with me until then. Because Lisa is clearly deathly afraid of catching COVID. Not for her health mind you, it's because she would have to miss work. She wanted to bring by some Soud Dough bread Grandma Vicky brought for Johnnie. And she basically just handed it to me and was outta there. She at least got to talk to Johnnie over the phone. By the evening, he had improved pretty dramatically. He was hungry again. Asked me to go to Jack in the Box to get chicken strips. Asked for spaghetti too. NOW THAT is my Johnnie. And he started to get a little more bouncy. He was not 100% but much MUCH better. Already you could hardly tell he had been sick the previous 24 hours. It was like he got the 24-hr flu is all. And I am SO RELIEVED and GRATEFUL. Nothing worse than watching your child while he is sick. He is back to his babbling self, talking about Pokemon and Dragons and all kinds of other stuff. Ah my Johnnie. The pic is one of him drinking some of my green tea. He is now into Pokemon videos and that's what he did all evening. And so it was that i got to stay home all day and watch my son. And wished that all at QueensCare had a good time at the party that i missed. In the meantime, I'm doing ok. I am doing well. Maybe I'll focus on some learnings I need to catch up on these next few days...

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