Thursday, April 28, 2022

Go-Go-Go Thursday

So yesterday we got the email that Johnnie has to come dressed in his Friday attire for rehearsal today. How am I supposed to get Johnnie to keep his clothes clean for the day so I won't have to wash it tomorrow? The answer. It's impossible. I will HAVE to wash it when he comes home later on. Oh well. Still i will admit my kid looks pretty good in his dress whites doesn't he? I will admit it was pretty cool walking up to the gate and seeing all these other kids dressed the same way. Almost feels like it's a private school doesn't it? Now if only I can get Johnnie to keep his shirt tucked in... As soon as I got home I realized I had another day of back-to-back-to-back meetings and so I swigged down my celery/apple juice and got started with my work day. IS Team Meeting at 9 AM. EHR support team meeting at 10. And you knew these guys were going to take the entire hour. And then Dennis my boss at 11. That one didn't take long at all. Gave me just about enough time to make my lunch. Today, it's a mashup of stir-fry veggies, cabbage and onions really and then some of the Beyond Meat crumbles for protein and then chana masala on top of the mix. It tasted interestingly good in fact. And I cooked all that with Alexa in the background. And got everything cooked up by 11:30. And so I actually had more than a decent lunch before my 12-2 meeting, which was the HIT meeting. Usually that meeting has only me and a couple of other people talking mostly and I'm trying to get other people to participate. There were some new people on the call today but they didn't talk much. My buddy Mendy Kaye sure did though. Now COO at another Health Center, he sure flexed his voice muscles, particularly with the LANES people. I'm not going to tell anyone that he was Doing me the whole time and I was feeding him answers. Still the meeting was fairly productive I thought and we got done by 2 PM on the dot.
And after THAT meeting, I pronounced my work day over LOL. Outside I went almost immediately and started to catch up on my steps for the day. It was a pretty mild day out, hence the long sleeves but it was still nice for a late April afternoon. I still so love walking around my neighborhood. THIS neighborhood. I was thinking of some way to still live here in one of those condos down my block. Hey I'll add that to my list eh? As far as the prostate stuff, I will admit it's slow going but then again to me if I am to ascribe to the belief that symptoms are merely my body trying to communicate with me, then I have to keep listening and make sure I'm getting the right message. It's simply my Higher Self making me look and listen harder I think. Or maybe not harder but in a more focused way. The answers are there. I keep looking. By the time I got back it was already close to 4 PM. Of course I had to pick up Johnnie at 4:30 to make Spanish class at 5 PM. When I did pick him up, I was almost horrified to see that he didn't change out of his dress whites! Damn. Of course they were dirty. Right at the shirt edges too. Immediately when we got home I threw the clothes in the wash. He WILL have clean clothes for tomorrow's show. And then he did his Spanish class. Animals and numbers today. While he did that I made myself salmon for dinner and made Johnnie penne chicken noodle AND a half a pizza. I was trying to get all this stuff done because I knew Lisa would be picking him up early-ish tonight. And so she did as it turned out. Right around 6:45. She hadn't seen Johnnie in a week. Claire too. I figured I'd do her a favor by giving her a bath. She was starting to smell. And so I handed off a happy child and a clean dog. We're all good. I'll see Claire again first thing. And Johnnie? I can't wait until tomorrow's show.

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