Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday

Today is April 15. Tax Day. But I've already gotten my refund from both the state and the IRS so it hardly crossed my mind. It is payday too, so my checking account balance crossed to $46K forr the first time since I had that huge lump sun from USC back in the day. I am feeling very much abundant. I remind myself that I still have $50K in my investment account and with anticipated/planned purchases for a new MacBook Air M2 (possibly out in a couple of months) and a new sofa sleeper for Johnnie in the living room, I would still be over $91K in available cash. CASH! Already an item crossed off my image cycling list. or rather, I simply changed it to $100K. It feels really good to think I can walk into a TESLA dealership and buy a Model Y in cash. Or have a down payment for a decent condo on the Westside. Probably time to look into that too. Or even buy those planned purchases now and hardly make a dent. BTW it's also Good Friday today <though that really hadn't had much significance with me in a really long time> and I'm also supposed to be back to work. Not that significant either considering the office shuts down at 3 PM today. On a normal Friday, I'd be tanking anyway. Today I'm at Lisa's first thing to pick up Johnnie and Claire. She's working of course but since Johnnie has no school today, I get to have him fort the entire day yet again. I don't even know why I had to drop him off last night, other than Lisa hadn't seen him all week and I was happy to hand him back if just for an overnight sleep. And so when I picked him up it was more or less pretty routine for the morning. I told Johnnie I had to work a bit and he was only all too glad to watch his Dragon Riders video and have his McDonald's breakfast. In the meantime, I did manage to catch up on emails and all my TO-DOs that I simply let go on Monday. Since my team seems to be stable, I am not really all that stressed. So much so, my RHR <resting heart rate> was down to 62 this morning. WOW! Even lower than yesterday's! Whatever I'm doing I'm going to need to continue to do it. I'm almost back to athlete level heart rate again. Could it be all diet-related? I wonder. I'm continuing the juice regimen in the morning of course. And the steps too. Johnnie gets to have pizza and pasta for the second straight day and I already know that is a much bigger lunch than he's used to at school. And he put it all away too. We're all good.
Later on I told Lisa we would bring her dinner to her office. I do feel a little bad for her that she's working so much and she supposedly is dealing with a lot of staff issues. I still think most of her drama is self-inflicted and it is FOR SURE not mine to fix. I can only listen and offer suggestions and we will leave it at that. Johnnie and I did manage to spend some time outside today. We played baseball in the barbecue area. Took Claire along with us in case she has the urge to poop diarrhea again like she did yesterday. She seemed content to just hang out in the sun watching us play. Johnnie is developing a strong swing and hit a couple of shots that would have gone far had it been a real baseball. And then we played catch too. He is not as naturally skilled at using the glove I bought him and it looked too small already. But he's learning and practicing and getting better too, making some catches that surprised me. The best thing was I did get him away from the TV screen if only for an hour, until it was time to ready up to go to Lisa's office. For my dinner, I cooked yellowfin tuna, made red cabbage and red onion for veggies and then Johnnie and i picked up sushi for Lisa from Nijiya market and of course his Panda Express dinner. And so we went to Lisa's and she seemed surprised that we brought her food? Perhaps she forgot she ASKED us to bring her sushi? She seemed ready to take a long walk like last week. Oh well, we at least went downstairs in the courtyard and ate there. And so it was that we had a very different family Friday night dinner. For Lisa she got to take a break before going back to work and at least she got to see Johnnie and at least she got to have a break before going back to work.  She would keep on working until it was well past 8 PM. I expected that. And so back Johnnie went to Dragon Rescue Riders. Back Claire went to a usual Friday night routine with us, which by now really feels no different than past Thursday night routine LOL. It was almost 8:30 by the time I drove Johnnie back to Lisa's house. She was so tired she was on auto-pilot driving home. Shocking I know. At least I still got to go home and watch TV to wind down. I'm up early again tomorrow. I have a dental cleaning appointment at Lisa's at 7:30. I will probably beat mom and son to her office. That's ok. I'm due. So Good Friday/Spring Break Friday wasn't all that special really but it was nice and quiet and I do like it that way.

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