Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Benefits of Remote Work

The great thing about still working remotely is that I can actually WORK remotely. And still get other stuff done. This morning, that means getting up, getting Johnnie showered and readied and dropped off at school. By 7:50 might I add. And then I stopped at Whole Foods to get breakfast. Same carrot/celery/apple/orange juice I used to get there for $7.75 BEFORE I bought my own juicer. It's been less than a couple of weeks and that thing has already paid for itself. But today I couldn't go home after dropping Johnnie off. That's because I had an appointment to get maintenance work done with my car. The maintenance light came on this past weekend and so I brought it in for what I thought was just an oil change.  Instead, what they found was similar to what Santa Monica Honda found when I last brought it in way back in August. I didn't do most of what they pointed out at the time. I wasn't ready to spend $700. 8 months later, I didn't care as much. All they did was change the oil, a lot of the other fluids, and a tire that had a nail in it. And I still spent $700.  Cost of maintenance I guess. Heck the oil change alone would have already cost me $80. In the meantime, while they did the work, I stuck around the lounge and worked. I answered emails, TEAMS posts, and even started to solve a problem with one of the important PowerBI dashboards. THAT is the beauty of remote work.  I can work WHILE my car is getting maintenance work done. And when it got done around 11:00 I just drove back home with lunch from Sprouts. I even got a chance to work out what I was going to do with a sleeper sofa for Johnnie and how to get the sofa I have now disposed of.  And so by the time I got done with lunch, I pretty felt like I had a lot accomplished. I was already pretty much all done with my Communications Meeting and Tech Council presentation material already so I'm good to go with those. I had time to do almost a 2-mile walk and get my steps in before it was time to pick up Johnnie from STAR. 
I always say that some really good quality time with Johnnie makes up for a ton of crap I have to deal with. Wasn't it just a week ago that we spend the day at the San Diego Wild Animal Safari Park? Man time flies. Last week we were up 400 ft on a hot air balloon. Today... Then again, sometimes that kid tests my patience. I am doing better with that but sometimes I lose it. Sometimes I lose it... WITH Johnnie. For the most part, he's a happy kid and a good little boy. Look at the pic of him cleaning up after himself with his Panda Express dinner on the floor. And then sometimes he is just so energetic that he forgets himself and gets out of control. He's not a wee little kid anymore. Today while we were horseplaying he swung his head back and head butted me in the nose. It hurt. And I saw red. I got angry. I screamed at him to go into the room and stay there. And of course he started to cry. I was hot and he was going to hear it. Fortunately, I did calm down after a few minutes and I was able to talk to him dad-to-son and give him a learning lesson without yelling, without hitting, without anything.  Instead I made him write 4 sentences on the incident and how sorry he was. That would be the second picture on the post. That was HIS punishment. No TV until I was satisfied with whatever he wrote. I think he did learn his lesson though I worry still that he might get just as rough with another kid. I mean that head-butt really hurt. He needs to understand that he can control himself and that is what I'm going to need to help him with. He goes full out with everything he does. Running, throwing, hitting. And he's a pretty good athlete already.  Gone was the kid who was one of the smallest tykes in his class.  Who knew my kid would be the one the teachers would tell not to play so rough. Wait until he gets even bigger and I can't horseplay with him anymore LOL. In the meantime, incident over, punishment over, Johnnie discovers Pokemon videos on the web. Great. That would be the next video group he will have interest in. We went from Octonauts to Wild Kratts to Dragon REscue Riders to now Pokemon. I think that just about covers it LOL. As for me, I had a nice piece of salmon for dinner, nice green tea to wind down with and actually had a pretty chill evening for myself. I realize that I've gotten so caught up with methodologies. Processes to heal myself, processes for this, processes for that. The most important process though is to learn to listen to my Intuition, my Inner Guidance, my Higher Self. And this I'm still a work in progress. Tonight after I put Johnnie to bed, I did go online and purchase the new sofa. By Monday he won't have to sleep on a sofa anymore, he'll have something closer to a real bed. Now what else is on my imaging list?

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