Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Being Dad is Great But...

It is 3:33 in the morning. I had just finished cleaning almost the entire bathroom. Johnnie had woken up in the middle of the night and ejected the contents of his entire stomach. All the chicken noodle penne he ate last night at dinner. He intended to do it in the toilet I know that. But he missed. And so now there was vomit EVERYWHERE. The floor. The toilet. The walls. The doors. EVERYWHERE. And it stunk up so bad I had to wear an N95 mask to clean it up. First, I made sure Johnnie was ok. All I heard was him saying "I'm sorry Dad, I'm sorry". My mouth said, "That's ok Bug, we'll just clean it up and we'll clean you up". My brain said "You'd better be sorry. This is totally disgusting!!!". Man, I almost vomited myself cleaning the whole stuff up it smelled so bad. And I had to do it first because there was no escaping vomit everywhere. And then I had to get him in the shower and clean us both up. Even when he was a baby and did disgusting poops and vomits all over, I think this would probably be his worst throw-up episode EVER. Simply because of the sheer volume and the size of the mess. I mean I literally had to clean the entire bathroom. Took an entire roll of paper towels to do it. And then I had to walk outside in the cold to throw the whole thing out that I had collected in the garbage bag in the building's trash chute. Not going to stink up my kitchen too with all that mess. THEN I had to brush out Johnnie's mouth of course. Poor thing. THEN I had to make sure he went back to sleep. Stayed with him and held him and let him drift to sleep. Finally when I heard him breathing softly and slowly, I went back to bed. It was 3:33 in the morning... I had a flitting memory of a story my mom would always talk about, which was me having a really bad tummy ache right around the time I was Johnnie's age. She took a taxi to take me to the emergency room. And I proceeded to vomit the entire contents of my stomach right there in the back seat of the taxi, to my mom's utter embarassment. I felt instantly better of course according to my mom, and I didn't have to go to the hospital after all. I went to sleep thinking is this karma or what??

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