Friday, February 25, 2022

Maplewood Morning, Netflix Evening

Maybe it was having to "live" at Lisa's house for a week while my apartment bathroom was getting done. Maybe it was my washer not spinning properly last weekend. Maybe it was having to do an 8 AM meeting this morning with the Coleman Associates group about the Dramatic Performance Improvement project at work. Maybe it was a need for more clarity. Maybe it was a tug from the past. Maybe it was all of these things. Anyway just as soon as I got done with that rah rah meeting with the Coleman people, just as soon as Lisa dropped off Claire with me for the day, I packed off all my dirty clothes in the hamper, my towels and headed right back to Lisa's house. Ok, maybe in the back of my mind I was thinking that the spin cycle in my washer isn't working right. Maybe the idea of taking a shower at her house seemed like a good idea. I had it in my mind that this morning I was going to do a couple of loads of laundry at Lisa's AND get a shower in and still be done with all that before noon. I thought that KNOWING that if there was one teeny tiny thing out of place, Lisa is likely to find out and make some comment or blame me for something. Doggone it I did it anyway. I put in my usual load which really was mostly Johnnie's dirty-ass clothes from the week, and then took a shower in Johnnie's bathroom. Something about this shower, or maybe it's the shower cream Lisa has in there. It makes you feel like you are scrubbed clean and your skin is devoid of whatever oily residue it had boy. I mean I felt clean. And then of course the clothes took almost 2 hours to wash simply because that's how long the wash cycles on her machine are. I did get the normal load all dried. I figured I'd just take my towels and get them in my own dryer. Because I was going to leave at noon or as close to it as possible. And I did just that. It kind of felt like how it would feel if I were still living here I guess in the here and now. The gardeners were over mowing the lawn, the dog kept as close to me as possible. And I was home by 12:10. I had to wipe EVERYTHING down of course but that was just fine with me. I was never here LOL.
In the meantime, though I did get a couple of pings from work, it is still Friday and I was not pushing hard, not in the least. I actually got some nice meditation in first thing this morning before I was even fully awake. I think this is where I get derailed actually. I get caught up in the day to day. I get distracted by other things going on. After all there is a full-on invasion going on in the Ukraine courtesy of Russia right now. And it would be really easy to get sucked in to all the news going on.  <Instead of focusing on peace for the situation mentally and emotionally> It would also be easy to get sucked in to what's going on with Dexter. As I did call him to check on him today and got more info about his health scare and what is going on. It sounded like he really had major surgery. I mean isn't it major surgery when they have to cut off part of your colon? And you have to poop from a bag as a result? More to come when we talk more after he comes home from the hospital I think. But I also need to make sure I don't get pulled from thoughts of my own good health. I give in too much to thoughts of illness and demise as it is. <instead of focusing on perfect health and commanding my cells to work perfectly>. And then of course there is Johnnie, who I have to pick up from school today. That is a distraction I welcome wholeheartedly as I completely accept and embrace being his dad even 100% of the time. If I were completely self-sufficient enough financially to retire and that were my ONLY job I would welcome it. Tonight I picked him up, brought him home and although Lisa made overtures about having a pizza night tonight, I knew better. I gave him his dinner and held out on mine until the last second. That is, I didn't eat just in case, until 7 PM. Then I made my beef-spinach dish. Lesson learned. Gotta have something ready to go for me too. And true enough it would be nearly 8:30 when Lisa called to let us know she was finally coming home. Nothing new for Johnnie or I. At least we got to hang out for a couple of hours on this Friday. I mean all I really need is that smile in the picture I posted. That toothless smile makes ME smile any time. Raises my vibration almost instantly.  And still I was home before 9 PM. AND THEN I gave in to the last distraction. I binge-watched Vikings Valhalla on Netflix. Kind of the sequel to the wildly successful Vikings series. This was just as interesting I thought. Kind of gives one a handle on the early history of England.  It was close to 1 PM when I finished all 7 episodes. And finally went to bed. Hey, it's Friday. It's the weekend. And I gave thanks that this week turned out to be a pretty light one. I'll take that any time. How do I know I had a pretty calm week? My body told me. My resting heart rate hit 69 today which is the lowest it had been this year, certainly since before Thanksgiving.  And my Sleep Score was over 70 all week long too, the first time I had done that in I can't even remember. Which meant I had the least stressful week I have had in a long time. And that is always a very good thing. And something to be grateful for to be sure.

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