Friday, February 4, 2022

Made It Through Roadshow Week

It is Friday and it is the last day of Roadshow Town Hall Week. At the Lisa house it is Friday morning drop-off for Johnnie and I get to watch what it is Mom and Johnnie do before heading off to school. Clearly I knew it was going to be far different than what Johnnie and I do. For one, mom and son already showered last night so all Johnnie had to do was put clothes on and have breakfast. That, by itself, is apparently a big production number as Lisa insisted that I have breakfast with them before I headed out myself. I, of course, needed to be at East Third Health Center before 8:30 and since I had to walk about 15 minutes to get there, I wanted to leave by 7:30. Since I was having brunch with my roadshow partners later on, I was not concerned with breakfast. But rather than offend Lisa I just ate a piece of sour dough toast from Johnnie's plate and headed on out before they did. I actually got to East Third by 8:05 AM, and with the walk I was there in plenty of time. Each of these Health Centers have their own personality and I do remember this one engages with me with no problems. And so for the 5th time this week, I do my UDS schpeel, I do my prize giveaway, and I do my phishing reminders and that was THAT. Another week of Roadshow Town Halls under our collective belts. That would be 3 now for us and afterwards, we met at Tamayo's in East LA for brunch. That would turn out to be the PLAY OF THE DAY. Turns out that this restaurant featured the works of renowned Mexican artist Rufino Tamayo. He was known for his large murals and this place doubled as an art gallery as well. Needless to say this was VERY VERY COOL. It was obviously a slight for me to take a picture of just one small section of a large mural and that was me simply being smart-assy, trying to portray what it felt like after a week of Roadshow Town Halls. The food was amazing too. I had grilled salmon and rice and veggies topped with mangoes. It was truly awesome. And so we did our de-brief of the week, agreeing that it was better to keep the roadshow format going and also trying to improve the virtual format as well.  And it was almost noon when we left but I felt truly grateful for the culinary experience. By this time it had gotten considerably warmer too and instinct took me back to my apartment to check up on it. No they hadn't even started any work which makes me extremely irritated.  But that's ok. I'm covered no matter what. 
I had one more work thing to do today, and that was the monthly FRB birthday deal for the month of February. I did it from Lisa's house since I had to check in on Claire. I left her all day of course and she seemed satisfied simply hanging out on Lisa's bed. Hey she's like that in my apartment too except she's happy laying on the beanbag I earmarked for her. As far as the birthday thing, these things have been losing steam since last year and even the bigwigs hardly attend them anymore. This one lasted a half hour and it was led by Emma. I will admit I'm one of those that want these things to go on so we can just see each other again even if it's just online. Yes of course I echo Greg's chats with me afterwards about how these things suck anymore. We still gotta keep doing them though I think. Someone has to take leadership right? And so this one was done by 2:30 PM. I had plenty of time to watch some Netflix on Lisa's TV for the afternoon. AND I decided to go to Trader Joe's too to pick up some food for me and stock it Lisa's fridge. No way I'm going to let myself starve in this house if I'm staying here more than a couple of hours. And so it was that I went to Trader Joe's and decided to go pick up Johnnie a half hour earlier than usual since I was already on this side of Centinela. Why bother wasting time dealing with traffic? I figured I'd pick him up and we'd go to Panda Express in Marina del Rey and eat dinner there. By the time we did it was past 5 PM already anyway. We sure as heck weren't going to wait for Lisa to eat dinner with tonight. And even if we did at least this way we KNOW Johnnie and I are both fed no matter what Lisa decides to do. And tonight that was to stay at her office until almost 8:45 PM. That's ok though, all that did was give Johnnie plenty of time to watch Wild Kratts, Nature Cat and even play on his computer for a little bit. Heck I was almost done brushing and flossing him when she walked through the door in fact. And that only earned me a little lecture on how Johnnie should get flossed first BEFORE brushing. Ok Ok. Whatever you say Lisa. Which I'm sure will be the theme for however long I stay here. It's ok. I can put up with it for up to a week LOL LOL. And so mom took over and I retired to my bed, watched some more shows on my iPad. This is how this works.  And that is perfectly fine with me.

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