Thursday, February 17, 2022

Not Such a Chill Day That It Used To Be

It used to be that the Thursday after Tech Council Meeting Day is always a chill day particularly the one with the CCALAC HIT Roundtable meeting.  But today somehow, what with the IS Team Meeting, the EHR Team Meeting and my meeting with Dennis <where BTW we had to de-brief about James and the UDS Report>, and THEN the CCALAC meeting there was no sauntering in whenever I felt like it and simply waiting for 11:30 to leave for that off-site CCALAC meeting anymore. I guess it goes to show how much busier I had gotten I suppose. Today I barely had time to go get myself lunch. As it was I hurried the EHR meeting so I would have a 20-minute window for me go to Ralphs, get some fried chicken and cole slaw and have something to eat WHILE doing the CCALAC meeting. And I had to present some Data Analytics stuff too. Although I didn't really feel any pressure for that one. The pressure was squarely on getting lunch and once I did that I was fine. And actually, the meeting went better than expected, not the usual one-two maybe three at best participation from a group of 11-15 max. The cybersecurity tabletop exercise went pretty well I thought and I'm glad Candice thought it up. Anyway when THAT meeting was done, it was 2 PM and THEN I felt I could call it a day. Felt like I could call it a week in fact. After all, there is supposed to be a 3-day weekend coming up only we <my company> elected not to celebrate it in order to replace it with a birthday day off. I still would prefer the Monday off. After all, it was a timemarker of sorts. It's the last long weekend for a while. Until Memorial Day in fact and I liked having it in the bank. Not that I plan on pushing hard this Monday anyway. This being a Thursday, and considering all the stuff Johnnie went through at the beginning of the week, i was simply more than HAPPY he made it through the week without missing school and even better, seemingly recovered from his stomach issues. Just look at the pic of him walking over when I picked him up after school. Can't say that now THAT is my favorite time of the day. And then off we went to Mitsuwa right after where Johnnie put away his huge bowl of udon. Yep, I think his stomach is just fine anymore. Me, on the other hand, started to feel not so hungry tonight. Uh-oh... did that bug that Johnnie had and that Lisa had earlier in the week finally get to me? Ahh, I just shrugged that thought off. You look at Johnnie in the pic at Mitsuwa and you knew he was already in "play" mode. Which I let him stay in for the rest of the evening. With Lisa having to work today because a couple of her doctors called in sick, who knows what kind of mood SHE would be in. Probably back to those dreaded Thursdays when she would be just in the most foul of moods. We didn't hear from her at 7:30 and candidly I did not expect to. By 8:30 I just started packing Johnnie and the dog up and drove back to Lisa's house. By this time, it would be safe to start Johnnie's bedtime routine at Lisa's house anyway. And so I started his shower and in the middle of all that, Lisa called and before we were even done with that, Lisa finally did come home. It was almost 9 PM already. At least she wasn't in that bad of a mood and so I decided I'd take the going when the going is good and headed on out. Hand-off complete, made it through the week, all is good.

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