Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Nothing Out of the Ordinary Huh?

First day of February and the nothing out of the ordinary narrative I used to describe the month of January flipped in an instant.  That's because I got a call from my building management. Turns out the little fire drill from Saturday was a real fire (we knew that) and that the sprinkler system got triggered (we knew that too) and it caused some water damage. I sort of knew that because of all the water leakage that somehow made it to my apartment unit. And that was the second time in a week! Anyway they told me they needed to re-do the drywall in the bathroom and that it would be inaccessible while they were doing that. And that it would take about a week. Anyway the bottom line was I really can't stay in the apartment can I? Not if I have to access to the bathroom. And OBTW they needed to do some fixing in the closet area as well. My options were to go to a hotel (which they would reimburse), find another place to stay for those days (which they would give me rent credit for), or talk to my insurance company and let them figure out what, if any, benefits I had. I threw out the insurance company option in my head already. Why would I need to call my insurance if it could be settled otherwise? I didn't mind the hotel idea but not with Johnnie and the dog for next week. Sigh. Looks like I would have to see if Lisa would let me stay at her house. Funny, she actually wanted me to hang out LAST Friday for the night. A quick phone call verified that she was ok with the idea of me staying in the guest room for a week. Looks like Johnnie-boy gets his wish, which was for me to hang out at his mom's house. The smile on his face in the picture was BEFORE all this news of course, but that smile got a whole heck of a lot bigger when I told him my plans. I don't know why he's so happy... doesn't he know that we will both have to follow his mommy's rules while I'm there? That means no McDonalds, very limited TV, no videos on the iPad, and who KNOWS what we'll get to eat. But we gotta do what we gotta do. Anyway his smile had more to do with the Lunar New Year lantern he made in school. Pretty cool.
By the way, today was the second day of Roadshow TownHall week and my first while having to drop Johnnie off at school. It was at Eagle Rock this morning, which seemed to be the farthest Health Center from me so I was concerned about getting there on time. But as it turned out, we got to the gate way earlier than usual. And we were the third in line. Which meant that I was off and running and headed to work by 7:51! Traffic was traffic especially around the 110N but nothing out of the ordinary and so I got to Eagle Rock by 8:25. This one was held outside and it was a bit cold. Just like yesterday in Hollywood but not nearly as cold as it was in late December when it was raining a lot. This being one of the smaller Health Centers, there were less people. And the energy was definitely not there. I tried to use my own energy to raise theirs, but nothing doing. I think all Health Centers mirror the manager and this one does not really have one. And so it mirrored it's strongest provider: Dr Rodriguez. And she is about as skeptical as there is about administration. But oh well, this being Tuesday I headed quickly home right after the Town Hall, made it by 10 AM and then basically just chilled the rest of the day. The good thing about Town Hall is that no one can say I didn't put in my work. I just basically cruised the rest of the day until it was time to pick up Jonnnie. And then it was Panda express night. And because I saw so much traffic on Sawtelle on the way up, we went to Westwood instead. WE hadn't done Panda Westwood during a weeknight in a while. Used to be we would do this most Tuesdays before the pandemic. Nothing is different really, not Johnnie's teriyaki chicken, not my green beans and chicken bowl. And home we headed for a routine Tuesday evening. Routine at least until I got the phone call from the Building Management. Now I gotta plan being out of the unit for a little while. And getting stuff out of the way in the bathroom and closet. That means my clothes need to be out of there. What a pain... <sigh> Now I AM wondering what message or lesson the Universe is trying to get me to focus on. Gotta sleep on that one...

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