Sunday, February 20, 2022

Late Golf

So today our tee time is not until 10:50. That's because I booked it at Harbor Golf Course. Both Scott and I wanted to break away from the monotony of Penmar and Roosevelt and do something different. I do remember just a year ago that Altadena was still in the rotation and I want to play there too next week perhaps. Of course a year ago, Greg was still playing with us. Still, as Scott put it, "not giving up on Sunday golf no matter who I play with". Which is pretty much my attitude as well. Today we were paired up with an older couple and an Asian guy about my age. He hit the ball long. I simply wanted to make it without bugging about being hungry LOL. To cut a long story short, my tee shots were inconsistent today. But my subsequent second shots were pretty damn good and i hit a couple of long bombs from the fairway. The one thing that was different was that I wore my RAMS Super Bowl Tshirt that I got yesterday and right away I got high-fives as I was walking off the first tee. From golfers on the 9th green! I did not focus as I should have on the first hole though and almost did a blow-up hole right off the bat. That isn't good. I did hit my best tee shot all day right on Hole 2. Went 200+ yards and straight. Too bad I blew THAT by whiffing on 2 straight balls on the fairway before getting a hold of my swing and getting the ball down to the green. For another 7!. Hole 3 I yanked my tee shot way left. Reminds me of a bad swing that ends up on the street. But I recovered with a bomb from there right in the middle of the fairway with 150 yards to go. After 3 shots I was right in front of the green on the fringe 40 yards away. And proceeded to take 4 shots from there. How did I screw that up and not get a par. The worst was the longest Hole 5. I hit a bomb from the tee, sprayed right to get within 140 yards. And hit a hybrid right on the green. On in 3 on one of the longest holes. All I had to do was 2-putt for a par. And I didn't do it. I 3-putt for a bogey and kicked myself for doing so. On the next hole, I was on in 2 again. But it was a 3-par and I missed the par putt. Another bogey. And so it was that the rest of the holes played like that in some degree of variation. Bad tee shot, but a great recovery into the fairway already close to the hole. And then take too many shots putting it in. Really, it was my putting game that was real suspect today. Sigh. Oh well. At least we had another pretty decent game on a nice day and I got 10,000 steps in already before I even made it to lunch. I stopped at IN-N-Out El Segundo to do that. I don't think my stomach is 100% recovered just yet. Oh it wasn't bugging me. And I wasn't pooping badly or feeling nauseous anymore. But I didn't feel like eating a lot either. Which is not normal for me. It was well past 2:30 when I got home. I didn't mind the late start, especially since I was still home by mid-afternoon. If that is all I can get at Harbor then so be it. I was thinking to myself that I really could be thinking about President's Day tomorrow. We used to get the day off, but now we swapped it out for birthday day off so in fact, I AM working tomorrow. Or at least I have a meeting scheduled anyway.  I figured I could catch up on a lot of stuff. And I fully expect to have Johnnie for a good part of the day since I do remember Lisa is out and about on Mondays. Probably needs to catch up on her notes too. As for me for the rest of the afternoon, I got a huge case of the LAZIES. Like I did not feel like doing anything other than to crash on the couch and be Mr. Couch Potato guy the rest of Sunday. I watched the Scarlet Pimpernel, a movie from the early 80s! I watched the Count of Monte Cristo with James Caviezel before he started taking on weird antagonist roles like in Deja Vu. I did manage to get out and finish grocery shopping. And I did manage to heat up some chicken from Trader Joe's for dinner. But I went right back to the couch after that. It wasn't lost on me that February is moving very quickly. As in we're already moving into the last part of the month next week. Man does time fly or what??

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