Tuesday, February 22, 2022


I woke up this morning thinking that it is 2-2-22. I'm thinking that has to mean something in terms of the energy in the Universe right? I keep reading where encountering repeating numbers means a message from the Universe. What does that mean when the world is aware of those repeating numbers? For me this morning, on a local level, it is merely a crisp, blustery Tuesday and the cold was a direct opposite of the summery Super Bowl week. Still, the sun was out so how could I complain? Especially the contrast was from all the stuff happening a week ago, a quiet Tuesday would be most welcome. My schedule was mostly empty all week, which is rare. And although I did have to catch up on a bunch of stuff, I found myself on the couch just chilling until it was time for my IS Team Meeting. And then after that meeting, I was right back on the couch watching YouTube videos. The outcomes I wish to manifest have not changed. But I'm also becoming less concerned with taking action, particularly because last week seems to have made me aware that there were still things I needed to shed. Attitudes. Energies. Old programs. It was like the Universe was trying to verify if I truly wished to be what I said I wanted to be. "Do you really want to take care of Johnnie all of the time? Let's see how you do with a few days of vomiting and pooping LOL LOL. And so I had to respond with a "Yes I do". Hey I'm just fine taking care of him. It's adding Lisa to that mix that makes it challenging. Today she sent me an email regarding a free Spanish lesson that is part of a program that she wants Johnnie to do. Apparently it was Feifei's idea because she is enrolling HER sons in the program. I'm all for Johnnie learning Spanish of course. But not because it is a way to get him academically ahead. We had a discussion about it this weekend Lisa and I. Feifei of course is raising her kids the strict Asian way, with academics being the focus. I had to tell Lisa that I was also brought up in that mold and that it was not something that really helped me in the long run. Yes I got good grades. But at what cost? I believe I paid the price socially and emotionally since I was in a grade with kids 2 years older than I was. And so when I got the email from Lisa with information about the Zoom class for Johnnie, I reluctantly replied to the school. We'll see how he likes it.
And so the day went by pretty quickly actually. And after lazing around in the morning i did manage to get myself kick-started and got work done in the afternoon. At least some of the work that was the minimum necessary for me not to have to think about work at least. Did the minutes to the Tech Council Meeting in fact. That meeting had the energy that people thought there was not enough discussion. In my mind, people discuss too much and with just a little bit more information, merely get in the way. Or is that simply me getting impatient with anything having to do with my job again? I keep telling myself, if I have to position myself where I could quit, then I'm going to need to provide myself with an income stream don't I? One that matches what I am getting right now.  THAT is still the outcome I am trying to manifest. And I still find myself mired in old habits and distractions galore. This afternoon, it is that Spanish class I let Johnnie take which I had scheduled soon after we had gotten home. That class turned out to be not so easy at all. It would have been a challenge... for ME! Let alone my 7-year old who got a ton of material thrown his way in just 50 minutes. Still Johnnie was a gamer and counted to 70, did the days of the week, did some words and phrases. I'm pretty sure some of that would stick though I don't know how much during this first go-round. Again we will have to see. The biggest distraction, though not a true distraction was a text from Lisa regarding Dexter. He apparently had to be rushed to the ER for emergency surgery yesterday for a ruptured pancreas. WTF??!! Sheila, his sister forwarded his room info to Lisa who texted it to me. And I tried and tried to call until I got through. Dexter was loopy when I spoke to him. But at least I DID speak to him. At least he was alive and recovering. Kind of puts our stomach escapades from this past week into perspective doesn't it? I was glad he was at least recovering. And I'm glad I got to speak to him. We didn't talk much. I wanted him to go on resting. We will talk more later on in the week. The day was not so uneventful after all...

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