Friday, February 18, 2022

Feeling Not So Good.

I woke up this morning and I knew I wasn't feeling 100%. Couldn't put my finger on it really, other than it wasn't COVID. I didn't have fever, any of the bronchial symptoms. I just felt off with my stomach. Yeah Johnnie and Lisa probably did have a bug. And they probably passed it on to me. Fortunately, it WAS a Friday and so I can tank it today. I was barely half-awake when Lisa called to drop off Claire actually. I had to put on pants, go outside and do the dog hand-off. But I went back to my apartment and lay on the couch and closed my eyes and almost fell back asleep. I'm dealing with some sort of bug I'm pretty sure. But at least I managed to accomplish one thing this morning. I gave myself a haircut. My hair had looked out of control for more than a week. I know I could have easily gone to Supercuts, but I remembered how I WAS giving myself my own haircuts before all of them opened and I wasn't doing a bad job. Save me $30 anyway right? In the end I did a pretty ok job actually. Shorter than what Supercuts would have done, and I'm sure there are patches were hair is not that even. But you really couldn't tell. At least I couldn't and I was happy with my own effort.  With that what I noticed was that I was not hungry at all.  I did have my usual breakfast but even THAT felt different. Like I didn't really feel like eating it. And when I started to walk over to El Pollo Loco to get lunch there, I simply didn't feel the energy to go and turned around. Instead I took the car to Chipotle and got lunch there. it didn't make a difference. I didn't feel like eating that either. At least I didn't have diarrhea and at least I didn't feel like vomiting though I felt slightly nauseous all day. But me not eating anything or not WANTING to eat anything? That's when I know SOMETHING IS WRONG. I figured I could simply sleep through the afternoon until it was time to pick up Johnnie and then muster up whatever energy I could to keep him occupied until Lisa comes to get him. I'm just going to chalk this day off to a simple off-day. I did manage to have a moment of gratitude when I realized it was payday today and when I got my rent relief settlement from my building for the time I was not able to be in my unit. All in all I got almost $1000 in rent relief. And so perhaps that was the best outcome for that at least financially. $1000 in order to also put up with being at Lisa's for more than a week? I don't know. That still stands at 50-50 anymore.

I picked up Johnnie at 5 PM and he yelled real loud "DAD! DAD!" when he saw me. Can't beat the feeling of that I must say. He was in his PJs today because his class voted to have a pajama party. The pic I took of him in his pajamas with his FUZZY is simply classic. I was fully prepared to do a replica of last night as now I was starting to feel a little better. I still hadn't eaten since breakfast really and I think that doing that has stemmed the tide some. On our way to Panda Express, Lisa called and said she was already on her way home. She still wasn't feeling well. Great. We're BOTH not feeling well. I was still ok to keep Johnnie for as long as possible but she mentioned missing him and missing Claire the dog and so I diverted us to her house. I guess Johnnie gets chicken noodle soup tonight. And of course since Lisa was already in bed when we got there, guess who gets to make it? Not that I cared, it's just that I know Lisa has already worked too much this week, more than she usually does and no good thing results from this. I was right. Johnnie got his dinner with no issues and then since I felt like I was falling asleep, I went to the couch to close my eyes and turned on Tumble Leaf for Johnnie. Actually I got him working on his computer first and then after about an hour of that I put on the TV. I didn't think it would be a problem. I was WRONG. At some point Lisa came down and while making herself her dinner, she started complaining about how she can't stand the TV being on because it does a number on her when she is hearing a drill all day. Oh it does a number alright, it always has from the days I used to watch it. Only this time it was a full-on trigger. As in she started screaming and yelling like she did on Christmas Eve. Went upstairs slammed the door, came back down. She may have been yelling at me. Honestly, I didn't feel well enough to give a shit. And that's exactly what I responded with. "I'm not feeling well and I simply don't want to deal with your bullshit right now". I washed our dishes, told her I was coming back in the morning. And said goodbye to Johnnie. He had that look of "Please save me DAD.": Damn. But I had to let him stay with her. The only reason I brought him back early was because she said she missed him. Me? I'm fully aware she only does this screaming fit bullshit with me. And so I had to leave.  I was not feeling all that well anyway. But I couldn't sleep either. All that negative energy from Lisa kind of sticks with you for a bit. So I watched TV, watched QUILLS on Hulu. I forgot that there were a whole lot of A-list actors in that movie! I even went and got a filet-of-fish sandwich at 10 PM. My stomach was growling. I thought I was hungry. I was wrong. It was just growling. Oh well, just another Lisa episode. Lisa being Lisa. So disappointing she is. I energetically blocked off her energy from myself and Johnnie and hoped that would be enough. It was midnight when I finally knocked off to sleep. 

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