Thursday, February 24, 2022

Smooth Like Butter

I was hoping this would be a quiet Thursday. But Thursdays being the way they have been of late, I knew I would spend the morning in 2 team meetings already. And then I was supposed to go to the FRB to meet with Barbara about the furniture in the IS space. Why is that so hard to draw out? Is it because the architects do nothing but generic spaces? Don't these architects have any idea what an IT work area looks like? Either way, I prepared to go downtown, even having lunch at El Pollo Loco down the street from my apartment before going there. It was a good thing that I did. Barbara texted me right in the middle of lunch telling me her back was bugging her and she didn't need to be in anyway. I guess no meeting at the FRB then and that is very very good. Other than the team meetings the day turned out to be fairly quiet actually. Smooth like butter just like the BTS song. I posted the video of Johnnie dancing to it on FB, noting that I had no idea who BTS was. It was kind of true. I heard of the song in some Verizon commercial or something but I didn't know these pop stars were global?! So much so they have a song with Coldplay?? I guess I stopped being hip a while back. And with Johnnie able to repeat ANYTHING he hears practically word for word and note for note, well you get the picture. I mean how did he even learn some of the dance stuff? The cool thing was that it gave he and I something to do while waiting for Lisa to pick him up. She is now going to Pasadena on Thursdays to do her piano lesson and so no early pick up anyway. 
In the meantime, there was still stuff going on around me. Russia just invaded Ukraine and in the general scheme of things, I wonder how that affects the universal energetic? Or is it just something to divert attention yet again? Of course there is still COVID but that is slowly winding down too. This week LAUSD pulled its mask mandates for the kids outdoors and I must say it was very VERY WELCOME to see parents dropping off their kids without masks on for BOTH parents and kids. It has been a long, LONG time since we've all been able to do that hasn't it? By Friday, LA County will also match the CDC guideline of no more masks indoors if you're vaccinated. Funny that when I went to lunch, this one guest at El Pollo Loco was asked for her vax card, didn't have one so she quietly took her food to go and then she sat down and ate anyway. No one was going to go to the dining room and force her out. Not really. By now I don't really care anymore as we slowly shift from dealing from a pandemic to an endemic. I'm still not planning on working at the office though. The life I built centered around picking up Johnnie at school isn't something I want to change. And then the BONDING time after school is, of course, priceless. An hour worth of time like me and johnnie filming him doing BTS songs is worth EVERYTHING. And so by the time I drove Johnnie to Lisa's it was already 8 PM. And that was fine. She can take over now. We had had a pretty good evening already.

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