Thursday, February 3, 2022

Staying at Lisa's

So before I dropped Johnnie off at school this morning, I packed out my clothes from my closet and dumped them all on the bed. I agreed to have the closet and bathroom ready to get whatever work needed to get done and since I'm off to Westlake North right after dropping Johnnie off, I was just hoping the workers would get started without incident. That means Claire behaving herself and not barking her ass off at whoever comes in through the door. I had it in my mind that I was going to get home as soon as I could right after the Town Hall and deposit her right back to Lisa. Just look at the pic of my bed. Amazing isn't it? I could tell I was a bit off this morning from all this activity. I know this because even though I was in the vicinity of Westlake North in plenty of time, I took the wrong turn on 3rd and I couldn't find a parking spot except on 6th, 3 blocks away. And so I high-tailed it to the Health Center and boy did I ever pad up my ACTIVE MINUTES log with that short trek. More like a run really. I had my heart rate up and I had to take a minute just to settle myself down. As far as the Town Hall itself, there were a couple of people that got into the face of leadership. As in they were vocal about not getting any support, not getting what was ordered, vocal about their own dissatisfaction. Now I know as a manager it's a good thing to let your staff vent every once in a while. But there is also a thin line between venting and a descent into a full-on anger fest, which this meeting threatened to devolve into once a couple of people said their piece. Yes everyone is dissatisfied, yes everyone is doing a little bit more. Heck, my own EHR Support team got pulled in to help the Call Center yesterday even. Everyone is stretched. But that is when we're supposed to pull together as a TEAM, not worry that something isn't fair. Heck this whole pandemic isn't fair. Anyway, I didn't feel like their issues were addressed adequately and we're sure to hear about his yet again. It was a stark difference to yesterday's Town Hall at Echo Park. And I think it's a Leadership thing.
Anyway I got my butt home right after the meeting just as I intended and they hadn't been to my apartment just yet. So I took Claire and delivered her back to Lisa. She was home because it was her day off. She was happy to have the dog the rest of the day. This being a Thursday I had my one-on-one with Dennis, then the team meeting with the EHR Support Staff, then I made myself some spaghetti bolognese for lunch. AND I was able to lay on the couch and managed to take a nap for a whole hour! It was more than I expected. AND I even got my steps in. As in I was already at 10,000 steps by the time I was heading out to pick up Johnnie. Today, we're going right to Lisa's house from the school. And we made a stop at Mitsuwa to pick up udon for Johnnie, katsu for me, sushi for Lisa. And we were able to have dinner together even.  Yep, I was actually spending the night here. Actually the next several nights. That meant I needed to sacrifice what I really want to do and basically kiss Lisa's ass and follow her routines. I'm pretty sure I couldn't do that for more than a week. But for just a week, I can bite my tongue and do things differently. Never mind that it's been 3 1/2 years since I left this house and spent the night here. For sure I have a lot of uncertainty about this, but then again seeing how happy Johnnie was when I told him the news a couple of days ago was enough for me to at least try it. It's going to be a lot of work no question about it. But it's only for a few days. Already over dinner Lisa seemed to want to tell me something she was expecting that I didn't do. I remind myself that of course she has all these rules to keep herself in some semblance of control. It's when I feel like she tries to control me is when I fight her the hardest. I'm going to need to watch that for sure. Tonight we had dinner, I did the dishes then I went back to the apartment to pick up my pajamas that I forgot. By the time I got back, Johnnie was already in the middle of his bath routine, and getting ready to go to bed. It was early even for us. It wasn't even 8:30 yet. But I thought it was a good idea for JOhnnie to go to bed earlier than usual anyway. Lisa was doing her veggie lunch thing, prepping her food for the next day. Anyway mom and son went to bed early and I just played on my computer which is what I would do anyway if I were in my apartment. I fell out of whack there's no question about that. AND I felt like I was at some hotel.  I just kept saying to myself, "it's going to be ok." "It's going to be ok."

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