Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Starting to Feel Stuff Physically

So it is Wednesday, the middle of the week and I believe it is the full Day 5 staying at the Kederian house. What can I say about it so far? The good thing is that I am getting more sleep... a direct function of me not sitting in front of the TV binge watching something. Although today, how can I miss the Season 1 Finale of the Book of Boba Fett? Did Grogu choose being a Mandalorina? Or a Jedi? Will wee Luke again? Very important questions. But other than THAT show, I did manage to watch all of the new Reacher series on Sunday while mom and son were out during the day and through most of the early evening. HOWEVER, my body seems to be breaking out in other ways. My left eyelid seems to have incurred a bug bite of some sort and it is a tad swollen. I'm also sneezing all the time as if there is something I'm allergic to in this house, perhaps some cat hair or something. And I am experiencing muscle stiffness everywhere but at different spots at different times. That may be because I am sitting down in front of the computer most of the day. But I sure get stiff easy here. My shoulders, my neck, my back... as if I am fending off anxious energy. As far as Lisa is concerned, she is just Lisa being Lisa and I knew what I was getting once I chose to stay here. You KNOW she is going to pick on every single little thing. Today it is Johnnie's shorts that she didn't like. Could it be because I chose it for him and she didn't choose to buy this specific one? Hard to say. Could it be because it isn't wrapped too tight around him like 80s style basketball shorts? Again, hard to say. But you have to hear it and you have to do your best to shrug it off. I keep focusing on one thought: I did this for Johnnie. I did this for Johnnie. I mean look at that face, look at that smile huh? And I thought mom and son could spend a little more time together than they would not normally get to do. But man I feel like my body is definitely stretched beyond my emotional comfort zone. So today being WEdnesday mid-week, I did the early morning Communications Meeting upstairs at Lisa's office. Who knows what I would leave behind that she would bug about later. I hope nothing. I did the Data Team Meeting right after to which James called in sick for. THat guy KNOWS it is UDS week. What the fuck is he calling out sick for? He needs to update me. Especially since our boss Dennis made note of the fact that he hasn't been in the data area all week... after I promised everything would be done by Friday. Grrrr... That guy. Anyway after all the meetings I went back to my apartment AND watched the Book of Boba Fett season 1 Finale. Awww.. Grogu chose to be Mandalorian after all. And it was all about Boba Fett finally defending his city and his town from the drug dealers aka the Pike Syndicate. Long story short, Boba and his crew wins the day, beats the gunslinger Cad Bane, and the Mandalorian and Grogu are off into the Universe while we wait for the start of HIS new season later on in the year. I had my Wednesday Ralphs $10 lunch special too. Carnitas today since they didn't have tri-tip. Really really good. Even Claire thought so since I gave her some. Later on, I actually managed to take a nice long shower in Johnnie's bathroom. I am so hesitant to use anything in this house. The uptight energy is what I think is causing my own bodily stiffness. But I tell myself it's only for a couple of more days. Tonight I picked up Johnnie and we went and got pizza at Cicero's. More expensive than Domino's to be sure and for only 2 small pizzas. But they were good I'll give them that. Johnnie left a couple of pieces of his cheese pizza for his mom. She came home around 7:30 ish. And then she took over Johnnie watch and night routine. I actually worked this evening, even after mom and son went to bed. I had Faith Lee's OSHPD reports to do. One report actually and OSHPD changed the age and ethnicity categories. And I had to redo the reports. I couldn't get them to work at first. Actually I went to bed not knowing how to get them to work at all. But I got all of tomorrow to figure that out. And I'm sure I will. In the meantime, Wednesday all done and I have to look forward to a Lisa day off tomorrow. <sigh> Hopefully she will have something to do to get her out of the house...

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